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Beans pov

I was bored so i decided to just work on and finish the manual during the ride. I had somewhat of a bad feeling about the manual and it was exactly correct. As I went to scroll down in the manual I had saved on my computer for convenience, it was the pelvis page and I quickly slammed my computer shut as I started turning red.

What's wrong?” moon asked


Moon realized what page i was on “ohhhh you're on that page

My face got more red “y-yup-” 

Moon grabbed my notebook of the notes of them next to me and looked at that page of extra info.

You know we have a pussy too right? Not just the dick?”

I felt like I was gonna die right there.


Yeah, we told you about this before the research

“I had totally forgotten about that- i didn't even see it-”

Well theres an invisible slit we have that we can open and close on demand

“wElL tHaTs NiCe To KnOw-” i was so embarrassed yet so flustered at the same time my voice was breaking badly. I sounded like a little kid going through puberty.

y/n seemed to be half asleep "yes beans I mentioned that before but to be honest I forgot about it… does that mean… moon could peg sun" 

Sammy immediately got flustered as I made a loud gremlin scream. Ashley woke up 

“Can you quiet down..? Also in technicality yes, moon can peg sun.. I'm going back to bed..”

"Sorry" y/n commented. My face felt really hot and my face was red as a tomato at this point. (🍅PT.2-co writer) I couldn't speak, every time I tried talking it was just gibberish. 

"I guess you have to do research part 2" y/n looked at the reader. (Stop breaking the forth wall it's too expensive to repair-writer) (you can suck. my. dick.-y/n)

"Pussy research this time "
y/n continued 

“Stoooop stop it stop it stop it” I overheated too much I was so flustered it wasn't funny, I was mostly speaking gibberish and my whole body was too hot. (Y/n aint thinking. being half asleep she says what she thinks. normally she wouldn't say this-writer) 

(Like drunk beans-co-writer) 

"Hehe i need sleep " 

“THEN GO TO BED!” I was too fucking flustered to deal with y/n. 

She turned over and went to sleep as I'm still breathing heavily being flustered and overheated. Moon took notice and cooled his body down too quickly as I jolted. 

Calm down I'm just cooling you down you're getting too hot you're gonna get sick” 

I set my stuff to the side and I stuffed my face into moons chest. God that felt nice, a hot face on a cool body. 

Y/N pov 

It was in the morning when I woke up. I had woke up because we had stopped. I sat up and scrambled to the open door half asleep. I fell out and that sure as hell woke me up, I fell on my hands, lost balance, and flipped falling straight on my back knocking the wind out of my lungs. eclipse had saw what happened. "y/n jeez are you ok

"I saw the door open and scrambled for it and fell" I was ok other than  some minor scrapes on my hands that would heal quickly I got up and dusted myself off my back hurt but oh well I'll be ok 

How you and sun and moon met, a love story (Fnaf) Where stories live. Discover now