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(A/n these have just been sitting around just takes forever to edit that's why it takes so long to come out not all chapters are just sitting tho)

That next morning the boys were waiting for beans and so was I. soon, we saw beans walk out of their room, They seemed to be more tired than usual.

“Hey guys,” beans said as they yawned.

"Hi beans" sun said happily 

"Hi brother" I said not thinking about what I said 

"Why are you so tired?" Moon asked sounding worried 

“Ah, just nightmares.. the usual” 

"You know I can help with that " moon said to beans 

“Oh I’m fine, I can handle em’”

Moon just sighed 

"Anyway if you aren't that tired wanna start the research"  sun questioned beans 

“Yeah yeah we can, just Lemmie get some things in my system first before we go” beans started walking or, tiredly stumbled down the stairs.

"Do you mind if I watch?" I ask 

“Maybe I can show you some of the stuff I find afterwards. I like doing things mostly alone, that’s how I’ve worked for the past few years.”

"Oh ok just tell me when your done"

“Will do”

Beans’ POV

I got some food in my system, before the boys, Y/N, and I left for the plex. I did pack some things in case we did get hungry in the process of doing this research. But jeez.. realizing how much sleep I’ve missed two hours now isn’t enough for me, was I seriously that deprived of sleep? But I mean, I have a reason for only sleeping two hours last night. Woke up around midnight with a nightmare and couldn’t sleep till when we all got up, 5AM. But I drove us there and quickly got inside of the plex to not be seen as suspicious, although we probably did. We got inside and went to parts and service as Y/N waited outside of the room I got to work checking out.. their… parts…. God I don’t like how I’m saying that- but, I open them up and I slowly open it to the mechanism, it seems there’s some type of bag with lube in it that spills open when fully out. It stays dry inside but will always be wet when it’s out, it’s a weird mechanism I could probably get behind. The tentacle is more rubber than anything that I would’ve guessed, It’s like a silicon rubber to be more precise. I check the bag and I check everything else in the area. I had found it was flavored lube which I thought was weird but I kept in mind (aka they wrote all this down-co writer) it was about maybe a little more than an hour of looking at this thing. I did everything, length(4-6in.), girth, fully extended, everything. It would’ve been embarrassing if anyone saw me do this. Glad I did it on my own terms.

I heard a distressed Y/N outside the doors and I look over to see Roxanne, about to attack them. I wasn’t going to have that after I saved them that traumatizing night. So, —shaky hands included— I fumbled out my pocket knife and I threw it, making a headshot on Roxy, making her power down. Phew.. thank god she’s safe.

"b-beans thank you" y/n said to me 

“Y-yeah, I’m not losing you yet, not after what happened that night..”

Bad Thoughts flow into my head, making me feel.. not in the right headspace. 

“I.. I have everything I need for sun, but I might need a break..”

"That's fine um can u share what you have found out so far? 

“Y-yeah, here” as I hand them the notebook “follow me..” (fnaf intensifies-writer) (the beans behind the slaughter?????-cowriter)

How you and sun and moon met, a love story (Fnaf) Where stories live. Discover now