Help is on the way!

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Wade PoV
I couldnt stand to look into the mirror. Everytime i did i saw this horribly disfigured monster. The more my brain was getting filled with these thoughts, the closer i was to breaking down fully. My vision was getting clouded by tears and my heart was racing. I needed to get out of here! Away from my reflection.
(Time skip)
I was sitting on the balcony of an abandoned apartment building. There were no windows, so i was able to look around without seeing this monster. I lifted my mask just enough for the air to fill my lungs. I felt the cold sting of the air when breathing in, but it made me feel safe in a way. It showed me that i was here, alive.

Peter PoV
I was about to go home from a long patrol, thats when i saw a familiar red and black suit. "Deadpool?" I thought out loud. He must have heard, because he quickly pulled his mask down and turned away. I swung over to him. "Long time no see! Why are you here?" He turned to face me, thats when i saw tear stains in his mask. "Hey man are you ok?" I asked, trying not to let it sound to pushy. "Nothing is wrong!" He seemed anxious. I put out my hand to lay it on his shoulder. He emidiatly turned his face away holding onto his mask. "I wasnt trying to take your mask of." I say confused. He looked at me again. "Do you really want to know whats wrong?" Now he sounded mad. "If your ok with it then yes, please." He grabbed his mask, pulled it up. I gasped. "See?! I look hideous! Im a monster!" I grab his shoulders and shake him slightly. "DUDE YOUR SO HANDSOME!" I earn myself a suprised look from him. "Do you really think that?" he asks, hope laying in his voice. "Of course i do! You look very pretty!" He smiles. Guess i just made a new friend.

(Sorry the ending is kinda rushed but its like 11pm where i live and im tired)

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