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No ones PoV
Today Peter wanted to do a test on Natasha Tony, Steve, Bucky and Clint. He wanted to test how they would reacted if he tould them that someone broke his heart. First victim, Tony.

Peter PoV
I watched some sad videos to make me cry and then I went to dad. He was in his lab working. "Dad?" I say quietly. Tony turns around and looks at me. "Peter what happend?!" He got up and walked over to me. "A boy broke my heart!" I say trying ny best to push out more tears. Dad pulls me into a hug befor asking, "Who is that boy? I just want to talk to him!" This is when I can't contain myself anymore and I start to laugh. "You ok kid?" Tony asked with worry. "You passed my test!" Tony sighed and just accepted that atleast Peter was ok. But he still made sure that Peter apologised with lots of hugs.
(Time skip-e-di-skip)
Next up was Steve. Well technically Bucky and Steve since they were in the gym togheter. I again made myself cry and then entered the gym. As soon as the saw me they dropped what they were doing and ran over to me. "Oh dear Peter what happend?" Pops asked me whilst Bucky pulled me into a hug. "This boy from my school broke my heart." I say crying. I emidiatly notice that Bucky and Steve have eye conversation going on, basically planning the murder of this boy. Then Bucky said, "Dont worry kid. We'll make sure that he knows what he is missing out on!" This is the part when I tell them that it was a test. Bucky still doesn't break the hug and Steve acts overly dramatic. "How could you lie to your own father like that!" He says but laughs after.
(Another time skip-flip-flop)
Now it was Natashas turn. I found her in the living room. "Nope your test won't work on me kid! But would you still like to get ice cream with Tony's card later?" She says and I pout as I again realise that my aunt is just to smart. So whilst I'm still crying I make my way to find Clint. When I found him I just run into his body for a hug. "Who can I mured for you today?" He asked me in a soft yet threatening tone. "Well no one but do you wanna go prank the old man?" Clint smiles and of course he already has something planned.
Test: Sucess!

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