A very cute spidyboi

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A/N here, sorry for not posting in so long, schools been a bitch lately and I'm tired. But I found some motivation! So have fun with the chapter of today xd

(Also Wade is 17 here!! Also warning! There will be bad language words and slurs)

Wade PoV

New school, new year. Oh I am so excited! Yes the last part was total sarcasm readers! But I guess that's absolutely obvious. I have no idea how I got into that school. It is for very smart people and I'm not smart, handsome, but not smart. Atleast in sience I'm no. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters right now is the cute boy on my train. He got into the train some minutes ago and I couldn't really take my eyes of him after. "Not to sound rude, but do you need something?" He asks me, snaping (haha ;-;) me back into reality. "Oh no sorry. Not to sound like a creep but you look very cute!" He smiles and a small blush starts to show. Shit I think I'm having a heart attack hes to cute! We talk some more after that until we arrive at the school. "We go to the same school! How cool is that!" He turns to me with a goofy smile and I just have to smile back. "Since I'm guessing that you are new here, do you want me to show you around?" He asks. I nod. "Can I ask another question?" I nod again. "Why do you cover your face?" I look down. "It's personal, mabey another time." He gives me an understanding smile and we go into the school.

(Time skip brought to you by Ryan Reynolds!
Wade: Heyy wait a minute that's-

It's now lunch. The classes were so boring! But I have my seat next to the cute boi! That's when I realise something. "I never tould you my name!" He looks up from his plate, "Oh crap youre right! Well I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I smile at him. "Well and I'm Wade Wilson, but you can call me whatever you want." I say with a smirk and the hint of a flirt. (YES IT IS SUPPOST TO RHYME! DONT JUDGE ME!) He thinks for a second. "Well I guess I'll call you Mr. Handsome then!" I try and say something, but now my mouth is dry and my face is on fire. "Aw look at you two faggots!" I hear a boy behind us. I don't turn around. "What did you just call him?" I ask, trying to stay calm. "You heard me shit face, I called you faggots!" I get up and turn around. The boy behind us is from our class, Flash was his name I think. He is way shorter then me. "Say that again, I dare you!" I say with an ice-cold voice. "UGH are you deaf or something? You two are faggots!" I swing my fist and hit him right in his face. He screams out in pain, but there is another noise! A very satisfying crunching noise that indicates that I broke his nose. "Jävla fitta!" I mutter and turn back to Peter (translations of everything are at the end of the chapter). I seems a little shaky but other then that ok. He looks up at me. "YOU KNOW SWEDISH?!" I nod, now a bit embarrassed. "Thats like so coool!" I smile. For the rest of lunch we talk about languages, foods, fandoms and some other stuff.

(Time skip of a few weeks brought to you by my bored ass)

Its been a few weeks and I started to have feelings for Peter. I'm scared of what he might think, so we decided to meet at a park near the school today. As j get there I see him sitting on one of the swings. Also for your information readers, yes, it is almost midnight but who gives one shit its nice to be outside at night. I sit on the swing next (next is the 666 word in this chapter) to him. We talk for a bit befor I ask. "What do you think of gay people?" He looks suprised and a bit scared to answer. "They're cool, I mean I'm pan so yea." (Also nice little detail that nor many people know of. Loki is not the only confirmed LGBTQ+ person. Deadpool is pansexuell!) Without thinking I blurt out, "Jag älskar dig!" Peter looks at me. "Really? You- you mean that?" I nod. Suddenly he pulls up my mask and kisses me. I return the kiss after a second of processing what just happend. "Does that mean we are like a thing now?" I ask. "I guess so." Peter says. I kiss him again and I can feel him smile into the kiss.

Ok end of chapter! Does anyone want a second part? Also here are the translations
Jävla fitta = Fucking Pussy
Jag älskar dig = I love you

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