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Yay another Spideypool!!!

Peter PoV
Wade is coming over later today and I have already planned a surprise for him! I locked at the time. "11pm." I though to myself. And just on time the elevator door opend and Wade stepped out. "Hello Babyboi!" He says and kisses me on the forehead. "Hi darling!" I smile and then take his hand and pull him to the stairs. When run to the rooftop whilst laughing and giggling as we both stumble uo the stairs. "His laugh is so adorable." I think to myself. Then after a few more stairs we reach the rooftop and I tell Wade to close his eyes. I lead him to the middle of the roof and tell him to open his eyes. "Oh my gosh Peter this looks gorgeous!" Infornt of us is a small table with two plates. On the plates is each one wrapped chimichanga and there is one cherry pie in the middle of the table. I hung up some lights around us and there is soft music playing in the background. I look over at Wade and I see a small tear in his eye. "Darling are you alright?" I ask. He looks at me and with a smile says, "This is the nicest and cutest thing someone has ever done for me!" He hugs me and I hug him back. Then we sit at the table and talk about random stuff whilst we eat. After that Wade gets up and holds out his hand. I grab it and he pulls me out of my seat. He pulls me close and we start dancing. We sway over the roof, Wade twirls me around and I twirl him. He does the thing were you fall back into the arm of your partner with me and we both laugh. In the end we are just very close to each other and do small turns whilst dancing over the roof. And I don't want to let go again. I want this moment to stay forever.

(BRO MY GRANDMA LOWKEY JUST RUINED MY MOMENT WHILST WRITING THE END PART! She walked up to me and goes "How are you?" And I answer that I'm doing ok and then she goes like "I was talking to the dog!" LIKE EXCUSE ME IM SORRY THAT I DONT KNOW THAT! And then she goes like, "Jake. Jakee. Hello. Jaaake." And he just looks so done because she just woke him up and ahhh. She does that so often and ahhhhhh I feel so fucking rude for being annoyed with that but ahhhhh. I love her! But pleaseee, just pleaseee read the room grandma!)

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