Affection and comfort

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(TRIGGER WARNING!! There will be non consensual touching but not really inappropriate and swearing. But hey. We'll get protective Dean)
No ones PoV
Dean and Castiel had been dating for about two months now. But since Castiel doesn't know much about human couples and that stuff, Dean has to explain alot of things to him. Meanwhile Sam is dealing with a completely different problem. But he doesn't know how to tell Dean that because of him an innocent person died. How it happened was that Sam was asking people questions about some weird murders and whilst he was asking questions to some weirdo, said weirdo attacked him and then when a bystander wanted to help the weirdo ripped out that person's throught.

Dean PoV
Today I wanted to take Castiel on a date. I had everything planned out already and I was really hoping that it would go well. So when Cas arrived in a suit, I was baffled. "You- you look gorgeous Cas!" He smiles and says, "You don't look so bad yourself!" I smile back and we make our way to the Impala. As we arrive at the restaurant Castiel seems nervous. I take his hand and calmly tell him, "Hey Cas, it's gonna be alright! I'll protect you if I have to!" I give him a reassuring smile and he smiles back. Then we enter the restaurant. I speak to the guy at the front whilst Castiel is squeezing my hand because of how beautiful this place is. Damn he's cute. The man shows us to our table and gives us each a menu. After a while a waitress comes over to us and as soon as she sees me with Cas she looks jealous. She fakes a smile and asks, "So what can I get you two today?" We say what we want and she leaves. But what made me mad was when she winked at Cas as she was leaving. "Dean can I ask you a question?" I nod with a smile and he asks, "Is it normal to have a feeling of being starred at when your in places like this?" I sigh. "Well I guess kinda. You don't see it everyday that two men hold hands. But why do you ask?" Cas looks uncomfortable as he answers. "Well because I feel like someone is, how do people say it, mentally undressing me!" I already feel the anger bubble up in me. "Try and ignore it, but if you want to leave its ok, just tell me." I say trying my best not to let the anger show. "Thanks Dean." Cas says. Then the waitress comes with our food. She looks at me as if she is trying to get me away from the place, but I just ignore it. But then as she leaves again she drags her hand over Castiel's shoulder. "Ok, alright, that's enough!" I say getting up. "Come on Cas we are leaving. Could you pack the food for us?" I ask trying to stay as calm as possible. A different waiter comes over and says he'll pack it up for us. Just five minuts later he comes back with our food and we leave. As we sit into the Impala I look over at Cas. He looks super uncomfortable and I see that he is crying a bit. "Oh Cas please don't cry. Is it because of that stupid bitch?" I ask. He nods but doesn't say anything. I ask if he wants to go back to the motel and he just nods again. I start up the Impala and drive off. We reach our motel and take our food into our room. We sit on the bed and start to eat there, quietly. Well, that's until the door opens and a crying Sam comes in. "Sammy what the fuck happened?" I ask. I get up and go hug him. "I don't want to talk about it. Please." I reluctantly agree. We all sit on one bed and share the food. After we finish we sit there and all look into different directions.
(Time skip brought to you by Castiel's tie)
Sam PoV
We all went to bed and Castiel is already sleeping, so is Dean. They are hugging eachother. Meanwhile I'm laying in my bed crying. I don't understand why but I feel so bad. This person was trying to help and now they are dead! I cry and I can't stop. Then all of the sudden I hear Dean whispering something to me. "Sammy are you alright?" I shake my head no. "Not really." Dean sighs. "Do you want to tell me about it?" I think for a moment, "Ok." I start to tell him and at the end I'm crying even more. I hear how Dean turns on his back and lay his arm wide to the side. "Do you wanna have a hug?" I get out of bed and walk over to him. I lay down and he pulls his arm around me. "It's ok Sammy. As your brother I'll always be here for you. No matter what!" I smile and ask Dean if it would be ok if I stay there. "Like old times?" Dean asks and I nod. He holds Castiel and I close and soon we both fall asleep again. I couldn't ask for a better brother!

(Well. I really hope that you guys liked the end as much as I did! ALSO JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR, I DO NOT SHIP SAM AND DEAN! INCEST IS A C R I M E!!)

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