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Thank u varave for the great idea <3

Sam PoV
I was bored today so I decided that I would pull some pranks on my amazing friends. First victim of the day, "Hey Tony!" I stuck out my hand for a handshake and since Tony was looking kinda tired he didn't get it and shook my hand, just then a little zap was heard and Tony yelling, "Oh come on Sam! That's such and old one!" I smirk. "First, you feel for it and second your old! Also I hope your awake now!" Then after that I make my way to victim number two. Well actually I had already prepared the prank but anyways. So the prank was that I put pink temporary hairdye into Clints shampoo. It's ironic because he was the one that showed me the prank! Well anyway. He should be done with his shower now. "WHAT THE FUCK! SAM YOU LITTLE SHIT I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!! HOW DARE YOU USE MY OWN PRANKS AGAINST ME!" At this point I'm laughing my ass off. My next victim would have to wait till dinner.
(Timeskip to dinner! Sorry I'm lazy lmao)
FRIDAY calls us to dinner and I'm already laughing to myself as I walk out of my room. My next victim is non other then Steve! Since I have to hand out the food today, I put extra salt and a bit of ghost pepper into his dish. After everyone has they're food we all sit down to eat. Everything is quit. Until Steve jumps up from his chair. His face is red and there is sweat and tears running down his face. "HOT, HOT, HOT!" He runs to the kitchen and drinks three glasses of milk befor he finally calms down again. Meanwhile I'm laughing my ass off again. Not gonna lie I feel a bit bad for him. But it's just to funny.

No ones PoV
Tony, Clint and Steve wanted revenge for the pranks that Sam pulled. So they decided to make a plan. Then they set it into action. Tony asked FRIDAY to tell them when Sam feel asleep. When that happend they entered his room. Clint wanted to get revenge with a sharpie. He drew lashes and big lips onto Sam's face also adding bangs befor he was done. Tony made some adjustments on Sam's wings. He made it so that when Sam would open his wings it would play Buss Lightyears famouse line, "To infinity and beyond!". And Steve? Steve decided to make a cardboard cutout of Nick Fury and put it infornt of Sam's bed. The plan was a success so far.

Sam PoV
I woke up after a good night sleep and almost had a hard attack. "Mister Fury! Why are you in my room?!" I rubbed my eyes and realised that it was cardboard. "Fuck!" Then I went to my bathroom to clean my teeth. When I looked into the mirror I saw that I had lashes, lips and bangs drawn onto my face with sharpie. "Clint you asshole." I mutter befor cleaning my face.
I was training with Bucky when I opend my wings just to hear, "To infinity and beyond!" Bucky started tk laugh his ass off and I realised that I just got my butt handed to me. "Good game!" I said to a camera that Tony must have put up to see my reaction. "Good game."

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