It wasn't your fault

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So this will be my first x reader. I am nErVoUs. Anyway. I hope it'll be good. Thank u varave for the idea. Also I'll be using they/them for this oneshot since there was no wish for it to be about a specific gender :D ALSO THIS IS A SPOILER WARNING!!!!! THIS ONESHOT HAS SOULLESS SAM SO YE.

Your PoV
I was out hunting for some demons with Sam and Dean. Bobby gave us the information that they are in an abandoned warehouse. We had just entered through one of the many doors when we already heard talking. Thanks to the talking we located the room that the demons were in. There was a small window in the door and Sam, being the tall one, looked inside. He held up his hand showing 4 fingers. Meaning that there were 4 demons currently in the room. Dean motion for us to get ready as he whispers a countdown from 3 to 1. At one I kick in the door and Dean and I start shooting at the demons whilst Sam goes to stab then with the special knife. After we managed to kill three of them the last one gives us a smirk. We are confused for a second befor realising that there are 5 more demons outside the door. I hear Dean mutter "Son of a bitch!" As he reloads and gets ready to fight again. The demons barge into the room and we start to fight. But since we weren't expecting there to be so meny we quickly run into the problem of having no where to go. At this point we are basically backed into a corner and get ready to use our fists if we have to. We fight the demons as best as we can but just after a few minuts they have over powered us. One of the demons picks me up by the neck whilst I try to fight of another one and I can't fight him of. I try to kick him and pull away his hand but he is way stronger then me. "He-help!" I manage to choke out as I struggle to breath more and more. A few moments later Castiel is in the room. He does his angel moves and fight of the demons with little to no help from Sam or Dean. The demon that has been strangling me drops me and I gasp for air. My vision is clouded by tears and I feel like ill pass out. We get out of the building as fast as possible and get into the car.
(A lil time skip since I don't know how to fill this part)
We have been driving for some time now when suddenly Sam turns to look at me. "We could have done that on our own if it weren't for you! Why do you always mess up our missions!?" I feel myself shrink under his cold gace. "I'm sorry I failed you!" I mumble, not daring to speak up or look into Sam's eyes. "You better be!" Thats when Dean intervenes. "Ok enough Sammy they did they're best!" And just like that they start a huge argument. I can feel myself shacking and I realise that I am crying and hyperventilating. "Y/N are you ok?" Dean suddenly breaks the fight between him and Sam. I try to answer but I just choke on my own words. (Jeez that is alot of choking! Damn) "Pathetic." I hear Sam mutter, more to himself but still loud enough for me and Dean to hear. "Alright Sammy what is your problem?!" Dean says whilst pulling to the side of the road. "Whats my problem? My problem is that Y/N keeps messing things up and getting us almost killed everytime!" And again a fight between them starts to break out. I can't stand to stay there. I open the car door and run into the small woodarea next to the road (road is the 666 word. Ah that was a good episode of Supernatural.) As I am running I can hear Dean yell my name but i don't stop. I sit down next to a tree and cry. I have my knees to my chest and I cry into my arms. "It's all my fault! Why can't I just be strong for once?!" I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. Then I hear a familiar voice whisper into my ear. "Y/N you are strong. Please never think that you are weak or pathetic!" I look up to meet Castiel's blue eyes. He gives me a soft smile and whipes away a tear from my cheek. He then pulls me into a hug and let's me cry onto his shoulder. He does not let go of me and makes sure that I feel safe. After some time I hear Dean's voice in the trees. "Y/N? Where are you? I'm sorry for what Sam said. Please come back Y/N!" His voice is full of worry. "We are here Dean!" Castiel yells out. As he does so, he makes sure to cover my ears. Castiel makes sure that I'm ok and doesn't leave my side for the rest of the day. He hugs me and whenever Sam tries to say something he looks at him with a death glare. We both know that it isn't Sam's fault, but it still hurts. I wish we could find a way to bring back his soul.

 I wish we could find a way to bring back his soul

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