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You wake up. Eat, brush your teeth. Change clothes and leave for the day. It's a never changing routine. Always the same. It doesn't change. But today, today would be different. You wake up. You go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. You don't recognise the reflection. It isn't yours. But it still is you in a strange but familiar way. It scares you. You open the door and run, out of the bathroom, through the hall and out the front door. Down the stairs and through the garden. Since when was there a garden? There has always been concrete here. But now, there is green grass, flowers, bees and sunshine, warm, comfortable sunshine. You turn your head back whilst you run. Your house is small, a beautiful light blue color. Everything looks like you always wanted it to look. But there is something about it that just, freaks you out. Scars you to your very core. You keep running. You run down the street and away from the house, away from the garden, away from this thing that is making you feel scared. But it follows you. It feels like eyes are burning holes into your body, but there is no one there. Everyone is gone there is nobody there. You keep running, that is until your foot slips. You fall. But then, someone catches you. They hold you by your shirt and pull you up. Your turn around to thank the person. When your eyes meet you recognise them. You arw sure you have meet them befor but you just can't remember where or when. But the feeling of familiarity is back. It all comes flowing back into your soul. The person pulls you into a hug and you just melt into the warmth, the familiar feeling. You feel at home. You feel like your flying. Everything is good, its safe.

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