Secundus Momentum

19 1 2

Sam PoV
After what seemed like endless hours of researching Dean finally found something that might lead us to the remains of this boy. "So, the remains are in this old cemetery. It isnt being used anymore and only people who have loved ones burried there are allowed in." I nod. "So when should we go there?" Dean shrugs. "Very helpful." Dean starts typing something end then turns the screen to me. He points his finger at the screen. "The cemetery closes at 8pm, so we should probably go after then." I nod in agreement.
(A timeskip brought to you by Crowly)
We arrive at the cemetery at about 10:30pm. Its pitchblack by now so we get our our flashlights. We start to look around the cemetery when all of the sudden, "Sammy, hes here!" I point my flashlight to where Dean is standing. There, behind one of the gravestones stands the mysterious creature.

Dean PoV
I am about to say something when the creature speeds towards us. I bearly douche it, but since Sam is right behind me the creature tackles him. I hear Sam gasp for air after all of the air in his lungs gets pressed out by the creature. I point my gun at it and shot. It starts to scream in pain, so im sure that i hit it. Suddenly it snaches Sam, swings him over his shoulder and runs. I aim my gun at it, but it starts to run in zig-zags so i miss it. "SAM!" I yell. I need to find him! Right now! But then an idea gets to ny head. If i burn the remains then the creature is gone and cant stop me from finding Sam. I desperately start to search for the tombstone.

Sam PoV
It sure is nice to be swung over the shoulder of some raging creature and then also being swung around like a sack of potatoes whilst it is running away from your own brother. Since i dropped my flashlight i have no way of finding out where i am. The creature sat me down somewhere and is now circling around me for some reason. It starts to come closer to me and i suddenly get hit by the smell of rotten flesh and blood. I see a huge, gashing wound in one side of its arm so im guessing that is where Dean must have shot it. It keeps getting closer to my face and im starting to tilt my head to the side. I only look at the creature again when it starts to scream in pain. The smell of burning rotten flesh is making me want to vomit. I think this is the worst thing i have smelled so far! Then i see someone behind ths creatures flaming corpse. "SAMMY!" i hear Deans voice echo through the darkness. The fire burned down and the only light it coming from Deans flashlight. Dean runs up to me. "Are you ok Sammy?" I nod. He overs me a hand and i get up. The smell is getting worse and i end up vomiting. Dean looks at me with worry. Later in the car i still have the smell burned into my nostrils and Dean has to stop a few times at the side of the roade. The one thing that still is a mystery to me, is how this thing has flesh. Shouldnt it have been a ghost?

(Yes! Finally done with this! And with both chapters togheter we have 1200 words)

OneShots 2.0 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora