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Sam PoV
Bobby called this morning to inform Dean and i about a new case. Apperantly its in a city in Ohio (sorry i was to lazy to look for names). He couldnt say exactly what was going on, just something about people going missing at exactly 11:40am. He described it as "They just vanish, nobody knows were, they just hope they arent next!" Suddenly i get ripped out of my thoughts. "What the hell Dean?" I turn to look at him, he is sweaty and looks scared. "What happend? Why did you stop?" I ask. He points to the right side of the car. I look out the window and see someone standing there. Its a tall human-like creature. It looks at us carefully through its eyes? I cant tell if those are two eyes or two extra mouths. Out of nowhere it starts sprinting at us at an inhuman speed. "DRIVE!" I yell as it is almost at the car. Right befor it gets to us Dean speed away.

Nobodys PoV
Dean and Sam reach the city, its small and dirty. Scared looking people are walking around. But who could blame them. As the two get to were they will be staying, they look at the time. It is 11:46am. Thats when realisation hits them. That thing, was trying to take them but, since they managed to escape, it took someone else.

Deans PoV
We asked around if anybody saw anything. Either we got ignored, got a crazy answer about it or someone telling us about someone they were close to going missing. After hours Sam asks if we should eat something and then do some research and i agree. "So, did Bobby say anything about this, creature?" I ask Sam who took the call from Bobby this morning. He thunks for a second befor answering "No  he just said that people go missing at exactly 11:40am and that was it." I nod sinking into my own thoughts. We get done eating and go to do our research about the town. At 3am the next morning, Sam wakes me up to tell me about something he had found. "So, about 40 years ago people went missing for 5 months straight and then it just stopped. And guess what, 40 years befor that it happend aswell. The weird thing is, 80 years ago, the people went missing at exactly 9:40am, then 40 years ago, it happend always at 10:40am and now it happens at 11:40am." I remember reading about a news article and turn to Sam again. "I found this news article from 81 years ago. It was talking about this strange murder case. This boy was found murdered in the woods nearby. In the end all investigation pointed to these 3 men from town. And now guess what. So far the only people who went missing were children and grandchildren from these three men." "Wait did they find out when the boy was murdered?" I look at the article. "Here it says he was murdered at 8:40am, atleast thats what the three men said. Another thing was that they had kidnapped him 5 months befor killing him." Then it clicked. "This explains why its always 5 months in which people go missing. We need to find the remains of this boy!" And again we start doing research. But there is a thing thats bugging me about this. If it only attacks people that have the same blood as these three men, why did it try attacking Sammy and i?

(Bam, cliffhanger! So why did it try and attack them?)

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