Worst nightmares

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(TRIGGER warning: Death and slight gore)
Dean PoV
Sam and I have been on a hunt for a monster that makes people's worst nightmares come true. It is hard to question people since everyone is living their worst nightmares. Since we haven't been here for longer then a day nothing has affected us so far. So far we only have a bit of information about what is going on, but that is better then nothing. Sam is currently trying to gather information about how to kill it and I'm in our motel room checking our supplies. I am about halfway done when suddenly the door opens and Sam steps in. "Find anything Sammy?" I ask. But instead of answering he just rolls his eyes at me. "Did I do something wrong or why are you ignoring me?" I ask him. "Oh I don't know Dean, did you do something wrong?" Ok now I'm confused. "Sammy what happend? Why are you so mad at me?" He looks me directly in the eyes, "Do not call me Sammy again. I hate that stupid nickname!" I look at him shocked. "Sam just tell me what happend!" He takes a few steps towards me befor speaking. "You're not not my brother anymore Dean. I hate you!" I'm hurt. "Sam why would you say that!" I stand up and take a step towards him. "Fuck you! You never really cared about me! You only use me!" He takes another step my way. "I don't care about you? I RAISED YOU DAMMIT! IF THERE IS A PERSON THAT DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU THEN THAT WOULD JOHN!" I yell at him in frustration. That's when he raised his hand and slapped me right across the face. I stumble backwards and look at him in pure horror. Sam turns around and runs out the door. I run after him and call out his name. "SAM! SAM STOP!" I look to the side and see a car coming. "SAM! STOP!" I run faster to try and catch him. But it's to late. The car hits him and I can hear his bones crashing from the sheer force of the car. There is blood everywhere. "SAMMY NO!" I feel tears run down my face and I sprint the rest of the way to Sam's lifeless body. "Sam. No come on. Sammy wake up please. Sammy please!" I hold him close to me. His blood is now all over me. But I don't care. I just need him to open his eyes. But he doesn't. I let my head fall onto his. "Sammy please wake up. I need you!" I cry into his hair. But its to late. He is dead.

Sam PoV
I'm walking to the local library when I suddenly hear screams coming from an alleyway. They sound familiar and that's when it clicked. "DEAN!" I yell out. I run around the corner and I am met with the starre of two demons. They have Dean pushed against the wall and cut him with a knife. Just in a second the image is burned into my mind. There is blood leaking from an empty eyesocket, one or two missing fingers with the bones visible and I am very sure that they cut of a piece of his shoulder flesh. I charge at the first demon and push it to the floor. I take out the knife and stab it. Then after that I get up and look at the other one. It drops Dean and comes at me. I dodge the attack and stab it in the back befor it can turn around. Then I pull my attention to Dean. He is in critical condition. I pick him up and he cries out in pain. "It's gonna be alright! I'll get you patched up! Don't you dare leave me!" I say. "Sammy stop, please." I stop and look at Dean. He reaches out his hand and puts it on my cheek. "Sammy it's to late. Just stay with me please." I look at him shocked. I start walking again, "Dean don't say shut like that! You won't die!" Suddenly his arm falls to his side and I stop dead in my tracks. "Dean?" I set him to the ground. "D-Dean talk to me!" I shake him but I don't get a response. "NO! DEAN NO!" I scream. But he is dead, I won't get him to answer. Suddenly Castiel appears next to me. "Sam I found some informa-" He sees Dean's body and stops. "Dean?" He kneels down next to me and I can see the tears in his eyes. He reaches out to Dean's face when he suddenly stops. "Wait. This- this isn't real!" He gets up and looks around us. "Non of this is real!" I look at him confused. "This is all just an illusion!" Then it hits me. I get my sense to reality back and realise that I was holding onto nothing. Then I realised another problem. "Dean is probably experiencing this fucked up shit too!" I look at Castiel and he emidiatly understands. From one moment to the other we are standing next to Dean crying over something. I don't know what it is but apparently Castiel can see it because he looks horrified. He shakes his head and then he puts his hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean turns around and looks at Cas. I see his eyes and I can see the pain and anger in them. "Dean this isn't real!" Dean looks at him confused. But then he sees me and emidiatly gets up and hugs me. I almost fall but I can catch myself just in time. "Dean what happend?" I ask him. He takes a step back but leaves his hands on my shoulders. "Sammy, we had a fight and then the car and- you died and I couldn't save you!" He hugs me again and I hug him back this time. "I'm sorry Dean." I whisper into his hair. Then Cas interrupts us. "Guys, we have to stop this thing emidiatly!" And then he explains to us how we can stop this.
(A little time skip brought to you by Dean's baby, the Impala!)
I am standing on a building with a burning feather as Dean puts salt and holy water togheter. I get ready to drop the feather into the mixture and step to the edge. Then I say what Castiel tould me to say. "Frange rem, frange somnium. Illumina visio nocturna. Clamo fac illud. Abi sis metus, et hoc somnium relinque. Pluma stilla, fac ut ardeas. Relinque rem, non tuum esse!" (Translation at the end) I then drop the feather and bright green flames rise up befor a sort of explosion goes over the whole town. I hope that this will hold these nightmares off. Later Dean and I drive away from this place in the Impala and we tell eathother what we saw. And now I understand why he looked so broken.

(Ok so here is the translation. Or atleast what I originally wrote on Google translation. It didn't translate it one on one but it means the same thing!
"Break reality, break a dream. Light up the nightmare. Make it scream. Fear be gone and leave this dream. Drop the feather, make you burn. Leave reality, it is not yours to be!")

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