Mr. Handsome

10 1 2

Peter PoV

I was sitting in the train to school when I noticed this weird guy staring at me. He hadn't taken his eyes of me since I got into the train. He was wearing a mask that covered his face entirely.
"Not to sound rude, but do you need something?" I ask him, seemingly snapping him back into reality. "Oh no sorry. Not to sound like a creep but you look very cute!" I smile and probably blush a little at the compliment. He seems to be very nervous which just makes this even more funny. We joke around for a bit, talking about things that seemingly make me forget time. Because next thing I know, we are at the school. That's when I realise something. "We go to the same school! How cool is that!" I turn to him with probably the most bright smile ever. I notice that he is smiling through his mask. Then I ask him, "Since I'm guessing that you are new here, do you want me to show you around?" I ask him. He nods and i almost start to walk, thats when i ask him, "Can I ask another question?" He nods again. "Why do you cover your face?" He looks down, well frick, i think i messed up. "It's personal, mabey another time." I give him an understanding smile and we go into the school.

(Time skip brought to you by Ryan Reynolds!)

It now is lunch. The classes were really nice and no it was not because I got to sit next to the new guy! Suddenly he says, "I never tould you my name!" I look up from my plate, "Oh crap youre right! Well I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I smile at him. "Well and I'm Wade Wilson, but you can call me whatever you want." He says with a smirk and the hint of a flirt. (YES IT IS SUPPOST TO RHYME! DONT JUDGE ME!) I think for a second. "Well I guess I'll call you Mr. Handsome then!" I say with a smile. He tries to say something but he's super red, woops. "Aw look at you two faggots!" No! Right behind us is Flash. Wade doesnt turn around. "What did you just call him?" I'm slightly confused, is, is he defending me? "You heard me shit face, I called you faggots!" Suddenly, Wade stands up and turns around to face Flash. Wade is alot taller then Flash. "Say that again, I dare you!" Wade says with an ice-cold voice that kinda scares me. "UGH are you deaf or something? You two are faggots!" Now Wade looks really pissed. He swings his fist and hits Flash right in his face. Flash screams out in pain, but that isnt the only visible noise! A very satisfying crunching noise that indicates that Wade broke his nose, is also very noticeable. "Jävla fitta!" I hear Wade mutter as he turns back around to me. (translations of everything are at the end of the chapter). I can feel myself shacking a little, but that doesnt matter right now. "YOU KNOW SWEDISH?!" I blurt out. He nods, i think i made him feel embarrassed. "Thats like so coool!" I say with a big smile. I feel so special. Not once has anyone but MJ ever stud up for me befor. Do i really mean that much to him? For the rest of lunch we talk about languages, foods, fandoms and some other stuff.

(Time skip of a few weeks brought to you by my bored ass)

Its been a few weeks since Wade and I meet. And guess what my dumb heart did, yes, it grew some very big feelings for Wade! I'm worried of what he might think! What if he thinks im weird or disgusting! So to find this out i decided to ask him to hang out at a park near the school today. My mind is rushing at 300 miles per hour. I sot on one of the swings. After some minuts, Wade arrives
We talk for a bit befor Wade suddenly asks, "What do you think of gay people?" I look at him, im suprised of the question, but now i am also worried of asnwering it. "They're cool, I mean I'm pan so yea." I say nervously. "Jag älskar dig!" Wade suddenly blurts out those three words. My heart skips a beat and i stutter with my answer. "Really? You- you mean that?" He nods. Without thinking i pull up his mask and kiss him. He returns the kiss after a second of hesitation. "Does that mean we are like a thing now?" He asks. "I guess so." I say. He kisses me again and I can't help but smile into the kiss.

Here are the translations
Jävla fitta =  Fucking Pussy
Jag älskar dig = I love you

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