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One day i looked at you and all i could feel was comfort and warmth. Your smiles light up my days. Your there for me in my darkest moments, but you dont stay forever. I wish i could prove you my love. But you dont want it, but i cant stop, the feelings that have grown in my head and heart.

As Steves eyes went over the letter, tears started to form in his eyes. Why did Tony never tell him? Was he scared? Steve read the letter everyday. He couldnt bring himself to put it away, he couldnt. But now that he was dead, he couldnt tell him. Steve wished that Tony had tould him befor the snap killed him. So many words where in Steves head, so many feelings in his heart. But he would never get the chance to say them out loud. Because his one true love was gone forever. Tony had given Steve the letter befor their last fight, his last fight. But Steve had been ignorant. He refused to read it, he had called it "a worthless piece of paper" but he couldnt be more wrong about that. These where Tonys last words to him and he would make sure to never forget them. Ever.

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