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~Aria to the side ~

The bell, once again, sounds signalling the end of form time. During form, Aria introduced me to her boyfriend and he seems nice. He is called Blake Dawson. Blake has black hair and blue eyes. He's quite tall and very muscular, but he does play rugby for the school so that probably has something to do with it.

Blake is sweet and very mature, not like most boys. There is something about him that doesn't make me feel as nervous as I do around most boys. I'm still a little wary, but I can't show that because I don't want any one asking questions about my past. This is my chance to finally start a fresh where no one knows me.

We all stand up and I follow Blake and Aria to art. Art is one of the only places I can relax. Something about drawing makes me feel really calm. I started drawing when my councilor recommended it to me. After I was adopted by my parents, I had many panic attacks and was referred to my councilor. She said that drawing is a good way to feel in control. Anyway, it turned out that I had a bit of a talent there and now I draw at any given moment.

When we arrive at the classroom, this Mr Reynolds is not there. I presume that he was at a meeting this morning or he's just late. I take a seat next to Aria and Blake sits opposite her. We talk about various things as the students arrive and find their seats. A few stop and introduce themselves which is always nice. Not to jinx it, but I haven't met a single mean person here yet.

About two minutes later, the class room door opens and all the female voices stop immediately. I look up to see that the most handsome man I have ever seen has entered the room. "Sorry I'm late class. I'm Mr Reynolds and I was just talking to the other art teacher about a few things." Mr Reynolds has a thick, beautiful American accent,making most the girls practically pass out. He goes to his desk and places the papers he has hold of on his desk.

Mr Reynolds has a a strong jaw and soft brown eyes. Stubble covers his jaw and his lips are perfectly lined. His shoulders are broad, his waist is slightly narrower and he is well muscled. He is tanned, but not overly tanned. He is wearing black dress pants and crisp white shirt. His tie hangs slightly loose around his neck and the top button of his shirt is undone.

"Right, this lesson we are going to take the time to get to know each other. As I'm sure you all know, I'm new today. Does anybody have any questions for me?" Mr Reynolds leans back on his desk and surveys the class of students beofre him.

Just as expected all the girls hands go up except mine. Mr Reynolds points at Aria. "What's your name?"

"Aria Ross." She says in a sickly sweet voice and I watch Blake sigh, a little out of jealousy and a little because it's funny watching all the girls behave like this.

"Okay, Miss Ross, what's your question?" Mr Reynolds shrugs off his blazer and places it on the back of his chair. When he moves you can almost see his muscles ripple

"What's your first name?"

"Keiran. But it's Mr Reynolds to you lot." He points to the entire class and a gentle smile appears on his face. I swear half to girls are practically drooling.

For the majority of the lesson, I listen to his answers and find out that he is from Atlanta, twenty four years old and was born on the eighth of December. Mr Reynolds is in fact single too. That had most of the girls pushing there chests out. He has no siblings, but is very close with his cousins.

I don't realize how intently I am watching him until he makes eye contact. "What's your name? You haven't said one thing all lesson." States Mr Reynolds.

"Me?" I point to myself.

"Yes." Says Mr Reynolds. He's one of those people that looks at you so intently when he speaks to you, but you can't read any emotion behind his eyes.

"Poppy Mendez." I say quietly. The nerves are building up as I have every ones attention on me.

"Mendez. Spanish right?" He asks as he moves to sit down at his desk.

"Yes." I answer breaking the eye contact. Mr Reynolds nods and then changes the subject entirely as if he can sense my discomfort.

"Okay. This term will be mainly focusing on getting you to experiment with different materials. You will be free to draw what you want, but I have seen examples of work from all of you so I know what materials you normally stick to. I'd like to see you experimenting with that this term." He explains. "Miss Mendez?" My head snaps up as he says my name.

"Yes, Sir?" I ask

"You're a new starter today, am I correct?" He asks, his accent is beautiful.

"That's right." I nod my head.

"What is your preferred media?" He asks and the nerves build up again.

"Um, pencil. I'm more of a sketcher." I answer and look down.

"Okay. I was just asking as I haven't seen any of your work." He explains and stands up. "Right, the bell will go in a minute. We will start these projects next lesson." Right on cue, the bell goes and all the students grabs their bags and begin to leave the classroom.

"Poppy, please stay behind a minute." He say without looking at me.

I look at Aria and she mouths lucky to me and Blake comes to her side and wraps his arms around her possessively. "We'll wait just outside for you." She reassures me before leaving the class room.

Once the room is empty, Mr Reynolds perches himself on the edge of the front table and I stand in front of him avoiding eye contact. "Poppy." His voice is so demanding, but so soft at the same time. I look up slowly and I'm instantly lost in his eyes.

"What was wrong earlier? You we're quiet the whole lesson and kept your head down. I could tell you we're listening intently though." He was absolutely correct. I was listening. I didn't want him to know how shy I was. Something else about me: I have social anxiety. I've never admitted it to any one and the only people that know are my parents.

"I'm just a little nervous. It's my first day as you know." I barely whisper.

"I know that there is something else, but I'm not going to press the subject, Poppy." Relief floods through me.

"Thank you, Sir." I say without thinking.

"So you admit there is something else?" He asks in a gentle tone. Even sat on the desk he is my height and the attention from such an intimidatingly tall man is making me nervous.

I look at him and sigh. Calm down Poppy. I tell myself. "No, I'm fine. I have to go or I'll be late for my next lesson." I grab my bag and rush out the classroom.

"Popp..." I hear him begin to say, but I've already left the class room and shut the door.

Just as promised, Aria is stood outside Mr Reynolds room with Blake. "Hey, Poppy. What did he want?" Asks Aria. Think, think, think.

"Oh, he was just talking to me about getting set up as it's my first day." I lie smoothly. I'm not proud of it, but when I need to, i can lie straight through my back teeth.

"Okey dokey." Says Aria and she takes Blake's hand and begins to walk away from the art department, away from the gorgeous Mr Reynolds.

"We have Science next, Poppy." Blake informs me and I nod.

"Beware though, Mrs Gibbs is the most miserable bitch you will ever meet." Both Blake and Aria laugh and I join in.

Maybe this school won't be that bad. In fact, I think I'm going to like it here. All I have to do is avoid Mr Reynolds. I can't have him finding out anything about my past and how it has scarred me. He scratched dangerously close to the surface today.

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