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"I'll be back soon." I say and leave the house with Kano. I need to think and Kano needs a walk. Perfect.

When we arrive at the forest, I let Kano off of his lead and he trots obediently in front of me as we follow the dirt path through the trees.

My thoughts wonder to school and then to Kieran. My drop dead gorgeous art teacher that said he's in love with me.

I'm honestly not sure if love Kieran or not. I know that I am like him an awful lot, and am in danger of falling in love with him.

"Kano." I call him back to my side as we turn down a path to walk a long side the river. Kano starts to run a long side the river and I know what he's about to do, but I can't say anything fast enough.

Kano runs up to the river and leaps in, making an almighty splash. His perfectly groomed German Shepherd coat, a mess.

I start to laugh and go after him. "Come here." I instruct and he does instantly. When he stops next to me, he starts to shake out his pelt and I bring my arms up to my face defensively.

"You okay there?" Chuckles a voice from behind me. I jump and turn around scared.

It's Kieran. He's in running gear and wow, he looks sexy. "You bastard! You scared the life out of me." I scold him playfully.

"You're soaked, do you need a lift home?" He asks.

"You drove here?" I ask.

"Yeah. I had to drive to my cousins then I thought I'd drive here and go for a run." He says with a smile.

"Ah okay. And no, I don't want to get in the way of your run." I clip Kano's lead back on to his collar, stroking his large head.

"Nonsense, Poppy. I'll give you a lift. It's getting chilly and I don't want you getting ill." Kieran comes up to me and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

Kano starts to growl as Kieran is so close to me and he steps back, holding his hands up in a mock defensive position.

"Sorry, Buddy." Kieran says and crouches down in front of him, holding his hand out for Kano to sniff.

"What's his name?" He asks as he strokes Kano's head. "It is a he right?"

I laugh at Kieran and nod. "Yes and he's called Kano." I say.

"Kano, Japanese for warrior or something like that, isn't it?" Asks Kieran as he stands up after making friends with Kano.

"You know names don't you?"

"What do you mean Poppy?" Asks Kieran.

"Well you knew Mendez was Spanish and you knew where Kano was from and it's meaning." I tell him and Kieran just chuckles.

"Do you want to walk back to the car park so I can give you a lift?" Kieran changes the subject.

"No, I'll walk. But thank you." I say making brief eye contact.

"Are you sure?" Asks Kieran raising his eye brows.

"Yes, I'm sure." I nod and fiddle with the sleeves on my hoodie.

"At least let me walk you to the car park then." Kieran holds out his hand and I place mine in his.

I notice that he has quite rough hands from long day of hard work. I wonder what he used to do.

We reach the car park I walk with Kieran back to his car. I stop when I realize which car we're going to.

"That Audi R8 is not yours is it?" I ask, complete gob smacked.

Scared of loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora