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~Poppy's POV ~

On Saturday, after the funeral, I decided that I would go home with my family. I knew that I couldn't run from my home forever. Keiran dropped all of my stuff off that night.

Now it's Monday and I will be returning to school and I think Aria is very pleased about that. My parents rang hers to let them know why I wouldn't be in school for the reminder of the week.

I've had various texts from her, asking how I'm doing. They were all replied to, but I never had a proper conversation. I just really haven't felt like it recently.

The whole school knows about Jason's death, as it was on the news. I'm going to end up with people coming up to me from every direction with fake sad expressions on their faces. They don't really care that much.

I pull my hair in to a pony tail and then grab my school bag. With one more quick glance in the mirror, I leave my room and go downstairs.

When I go in to the kitchen, my mum is filling up Kano's bowl.

"Good morning, Mum." I say as I go to the fridge and pour myself a drink of milk.

"Hello, Darling." She says as she stands up and puts the dog food away.

"Where's Dad?" I ask.

"He had no choice but to go to work this morning." She smiles and fiddles with her fingers. Something she only does when she's nervous or wants to say something.

"What's wrong, Mum?" I frown a little.

"I don't want you to think that I don't like Kieran, because I do, he's a wonderful man." I sigh, I knew that I'd get this at some point. "But that's just it, Poppy, he's twenty four , you are eighteen. If you get caught, it could ruin everything for you." My mum raises her eyebrows.

"I know the risks, Mum, and I will be eternally grateful that you and dad have been open minded about this and not freaked out and called the police or something. But, I love him so much." I explain, hoping that she'll understand my point.

"Okay. Just be careful, darling. Kieran also mentioned that some things had come up recently that he had been helping you through, but he wouldn't tell us because he believes it's up to you. Can you please tell me what has happened ?" By the look on her face, I can tell that she is very worried about me.

I'm not ready to tell her that my father tried to find me, and that he did find me. The first time Kieran saved me and the second time, I was actually raped by him. But I also know she won't drop it.

"Can I talk to you about this later please?" I near enough beg.

"Okay, Poppy, go to school." She hugs me and then I leave the house.

I walk around the corner and knock on Aria's door. The door opens quickly. "Poppy, God I've missed you." She wraps her arms around me tightly and I briefly return the embrace.

"Hello, Aria." I smile.

"How you doing?" She let's me in to the house.

"Actually a lot better since the funeral. It's been a bit easier. But I'd rather not talk about it." I look down but see Aria nod out the corner of my eye.


The moment we step in to the school gates, the first person comes up to me. "Poppy Mendez, right?"


"I'm sorry about your brother." And then he walked off without another word.

By the time we had gotten in to the building, four more people I don't know have approached me and I've had at least fifty sympathetic stares.

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