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~ Poppy's POV ~

I've barely spoken to Mr Reynolds since I was at his place last week. He drove me home then we went our separate ways.

It's now Monday, period one, and I'm hunched over a drawing of my galloping horse, painting on intricate details.

I'm so engrossed that I don't realize that Mr Reynolds is stood behind me, watching my delicate brush movements.

When he clears his throat, I jump and turn around to see I'm studying my work. "Um, yes, Sir? " I ask, placing my brush down.

"Poppy Mendez." Mr Reynolds begin showing no sign of happiness on his face. Is he angry about something? "That is absolutely beautiful." He mumbles slightly as he picks up the wet painting and examines it.

"Thank you, Sir." I mutter quietly and looking down as my cheeks redden and Aria nudges me mouthing congratulations.

"Stay behind at the end of the lesson. I want to talk to you about an art competition coming up." Instructs Mr Reynolds and when the other students are not looking, he sends me a wink. I just know that my cheeks are as red as a tomato.

For some reason, I feel at ease around Kieran. He is kind and gentle with me. He seems like he genuinely wants to help me and he understands me on some level.

"Okay, Sir." I agree and Mr Reynolds walks off to survey the rest of the class.

At the end of the lesson, all the students file out to find their friends, but I stay behind, loitering by his desk.

Once all the students are gone, Mr Reynolds shuts the door then turns to me. He opens his arms and I instinctively go to him, wrapping my arms around him as he does to me. His arms make me feel so safe.

"How are you doing, Poppy? " He asks.

"You haven't spoken to me since you dropped me at home the other day." I say against his chest making it come out very muffled.

"I've been very busy recently. But that doesn't mean that I haven't thought of you." That sentence sends my stomach doing flips. Why does my teacher have this effect over me? Actually, why am I stood hugging said teacher? Any body could walk in.

I pull away from Mr Reynolds and instantly feel vulnerable and exposed. Cold. His arms are like a little castle where I feel protected from the world.

"I'm going to ask again. How are you, Poppy? Has your dad been to see you again?" I shake my head no.

"He sends me one text then doesn't contact me again. He finds me and tries to attack me, but hasn't tried to find me again. I don't understand it, Kieran." I sigh in a frustrated manner and sit back against the table.

"He's probably very at war with himself." He concludes and sits atop his own desk.

"I wish I was free from him." I don't know who I'm talking to. Kieran or myself.

"I know how you feel, Poppy. I really do." Mr Reynolds sighs and leans back in to his chair.

"You never told me your story, Mr Reynolds." I say curiously. "You know mine. What's yours?" I question Kieran.

"First, call me Kieran please. And curiosity killed the cat Miss Mendez." Mr Reyn.... Kieran chuckles and looks at me. I can never tell how he's feeling. Not even by his eyes. It's as though a wall has been put up behind them.

"If I'm to call you Kieran, you are to call me Poppy. Not Miss Mendez. And why won't you tell me?" I press again.

" It's not a time in my life that I like to think about. Never mind talk about." Kieran says without looking at me and I decide I've pressed enough for now.

"Okay Kieran." I say, a little unsure of what to say now and he smiles thankfully at me. He turns around and starts to walk towards his desk before stopping. I hear him sigh deeply and mumble something under his breath.

I'm a little confused and go to ask him what's wrong, but he turns around abruptly and reaches me in one large stride. "Kier..." I'm stopped when he scoops me up in his strong arms and presses his lips to mine. I freeze, but I don't pull away. Instead, I wait for him to finish. It's not a very lengthy kiss. It's soft and gentle.

He pulls away and looks at me in the eye, but I can't read any emotion in them, but I never can. "I had to do that. At least once." A small, almost apologetic smile appears on his lips.

I just kissed my teacher. Well, my teacher just kissed me. The sweetest guy I have ever met just kissed me. And I liked it. I really did.

I never feel under any pressure around Kieran and I can just be myself. I'm not afraid or cautious around him like I am with other men and to be perfectly honest, I don't even know why.

And I hate to admit it, but I want to kiss him again. I can't this is illegal.

"Mr Reynolds..." I'm absolutely speechless.

"My name is Kieran, Poppy." I can't tell what he's thinking. Does he regret it? Does he want to kiss me again? I have absolutely no clue.

"I've got to go." I say and turn to run bit his rough hand takes hold of my wrist.

"Wait, let me give you my number in case something happens. Remember, I'm here to help you." He reaches over to his desk and takes hold of a pen. Kieran moves the sleeve of my blazer up and his hand rests on the skin of my forearm. I swear that sparks are shooting through me and a blush covers my slightly freckled cheeks.

He jots his number down on my arm then covers it with my sleeve. Quickly, he plants a kiss on the top of my head and smiles at me. I do smile back, but come to my senses pretty quick and turn to leave his classroom quickly.

I make it to my next lesson just in time, but I can't focus because of the events that just occurred in Mr Reynolds classroom.

For the whole lesson, we make small talk and Aria looks at me with a curious look on her face every now and then.

When the lesson is over I get up and try to leave. Aria is going to give me the third degree about me being asked to stay behind by Mr Reynolds.

"Not so fast, Missy." Aria catches up to me.

"What's up?" I say in the most casual tone I can manage.

"Don't what's up me. I saw Mr Reynolds wink at you. What did he want after class?" Aria grins and nudges me excitedly.

Oh shit. What do I do now? "Nothing. It was just a well done wink I guess. It didn't mean anything." I tell her, trying to keep my voice even.

"Oh right, okay." Aria says a little disappointed. "That would be so cute if you two did get together. " Wow, I'm a better liar than I thought. She doesn't suspect a thing.

"No, it would be illegal, Aria. " I laugh at Aria slightly.

"Any way, are you going do the art competition he mentioned?" She asks me. "Because you totally should." Aria adds.

"The wha... Oh um no. I draw for fun. I don't really want to enter a competition. " I shrug my shoulders a little.

"Okay. Fair enough." She says and we make our way to the canteen.

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