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~ Kieran's POV ~

Poppy rang her mum and told her that she was going to stay at Aria's and do their homework. Her mum of course had no problem with it as Poppy is her well behaved angel.

Now Poppy is lay on the sofa with her head in my lap as she watches Top Gear. I tenderly run my fingers through her beautiful, blonde hair as I think about earlier. Poppy ran to my apartment because she thought I was in a car crash, she threw herself in to my arms when I answered the door without a scratch and then she told me that she loves me too.

When she said that, I honestly felt like one of the happiest people in the world. But I also promised Miles that I wouldn't ruin her chances of a normal teenagers life.

"Kieran, if you don't stop playing with my hair, I'm going to fall asleep." Poppy's voice is lazy and that makes me chuckle slightly.

"What time is it?" She asks, sitting up and tucking herself under my arm. I press a button on the TV remote and the time is displayed. It reads 7:45pm.

"How many episodes of top gear have I watched?" Laughs Poppy. "I'd better head home now." She sighs and stands up.

"Okay, I'll drive you." I stand up and start to head to my room to get dressed.

"You don't have to, Kieran." Poppy says.

"At this time of night, I do." I argue.

"Are you sure?" Poppy asks.

"Yes, just let me go and get changed." I've been wearing only grey track suit bottoms all evening and I have a feeling that Poppy doesn't mind one bit.

I come back out wearing black jeans and black shirt. Poppy has pulled her hoodie back on and her converse.

"You ready?" She asks, pulling her hoodie sleeves over her hands.

"Let's go." I go over to the door and open it. "Ladies first." I smile and so does Poppy.

I slide in to the drivers seat and Poppy slips into the seat next to me. I watch as her eyes scan the whole car. "Kieran, your car is like... wow." She slides her hand over the dash board then over the side of her seat.

"Yeah, she is." I tap on the steering wheel slightly then start the car.

"She?" I can tell that she is raising her eyebrows without even looking at her.

"Yes, she is my baby." I chuckle as I drive down the road.

Poppy directs me to her house and it turns out that we only live a couple of streets away from each other.

I pull up outside and cut the engine. Poppy says thank you, and kisses my cheek before going to jump out the car.

But, I have a different idea. I take hold of her arm and make her face me. Gently, I take hold of her chin and press my lips to hers. Poppy instantly responds and moves her lips against mine. Sparks run through me as we kiss and her hands move to the back of my head and play with my hair.

Poppy is the first to pull away in need for air, but she keeps her hands in my hair and our foreheads pressed together.

"I love you, Poppy Mendez." I love saying that to her. I love her knowing it. I just love her.

"I love you to, Kieran Reynolds." She whispers and I kiss her nose, making her giggle. Hearing her say that sends me to cloud 9. "But, I have to go, or my father is going to come out and find me making out with my art teacher."

"Can I ask you a question first?" I say a little nervously and Poppy nods. "Will you be my girlfriend? I know i'm your teacher,  Poppy, but I love you and..." Poppy shuts me up by kissing my lips passionately.

When she pulls away, Poppy grins like the Cheshire cat and nods. "Yes, Kieran. I will be your girlfriend." I pull her against me tightly.

I know our relationship seems rushed, but I love her so much. I really do. And I want to be the one that's there for her when she needs someone. Yes, it's illegal for us to be together and I don't want to be the one that ruins her chances of going to a good university or getting an amazing job, however I love her a lot and that's not something I can help.

"I should really go now." Poppy grumbles. "I'll see you tomorrow." She says, climbing out of the car.

"Goodbye, Beautiful." I watch as she walks up to the front door, amazed that this girl is really mine.

When I get home, I find Miles sat in my living room. "What are you doing here?" I say, locking my front door as he comes through in to the kitchen

"Just coming to check up on you, lil' cus." Miles gives me a brief hug.

"You mean you're hear to check on Poppy." I state, a little annoyed.

"I'm a cop, Kieran. I won't turn you in, but just be careful. Anyway, where have you been?" Miles leans against the kitchen counter as I pour myself a glass of water.

I sigh and smile sheepishly. "Dropping Poppy of at home."

"Kieran..."Starts Miles.

"I don't want to hear it Miles. Poppy came running over here in a mess when she saw a car crash involving a white Audi on the news. The crash was around the corner from here and she was scared it was me. I didn't ask her to come over. Not that I mind, she can come over whenever she wants." I explain.

Miles just frowns and drags his hand over his face.

"Stop frowning, you're going to start looking like Uncle Stefan."

"Watch it, Kieran." Warns Miles

Uncle Stefan is a great guy, but god the man stresses. He is Miles' father and was the man who adopted me, along with his wife and Miles' mother, Carol. The two really helped me turn my life around.

"Were you over here because of the crash?" I ask. When I pulled up I'd seen Miles' police car.

"Yeah I was. It's not pretty out there. One poor sod is dead. Can't imagine what his family is going through." Miles sighs.

"What caused it?"

"Drunk driving. The woman at fault got away unharmed."

"That's hardly fair." I sip at my water.

"Nah it's not. But, I'd better get going. Be careful with Poppy and I can't wait to meet her." His smile is tired and dull as he lets himself out with his own keys I had cut for him.

I feel sorry for Miles. He's worked to the bone by the police. I doubt he has slept properly in weeks.

I'm hunched over a few drawings, that I have spread out on the coffee table as I mark them. My attention is starting the waver and I have an excuse to stop marking when my phone begins to vibrate. I smile when I see the name and I press answer.

"Hello." I say as a smile creeps on to my face.

"Heya." Poppy's voice is soft and tired.

"What's up, Beautiful?"

"I'm not beautiful, Kieran." Poppy says in a shy tone.

"Oh how mistaken you are. You okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay. I just wanted to talk to my boyfriend." Poppy giggles.

"I love hearing that. Say it again." I demand in a flirtatious voice as I shuffle the artwork into a pile.

"My boyfriend." Repeats Poppy.

"I love you." I say as I tum of the lights and go in to my room. After Miles left, I got changed back into just some grey track suit bottoms, so I slip under the covers.

"I love you too, Kieran." A smile appears on my face.

"What time is it?" I ask as I roll on to my side.

"Ten forty five." Poppy yawns down the phone.

"I think you should get some sleep." I suggest with a slight laugh.

"I think you're right. Goodnight, Kieran."

"Good night, Poppy, sleep well." The line goes dead and I place my phone on my bed side table.

This is the most content I have ever been in my life.

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