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When I arrive back, Miles informs me that Poppy has slept the whole time I was at her parents and I'm quite relieved about that. I now have no awkward questions to answer and can tell her tomorrow.

"I'd better be going." Says Miles and I look at my watch. 11:49pm.

"You can't drive after drinking that much beer." I state.

"I'm the cop here, not you." He laughs. "No, I'll call a cab then go and hang around outside for a bit. I could use the fresh air."

"You can't wait outside at this time." I frown.

"I need some air, Kieran, I'll see you tomorrow when I come and pick up my car."

"If you're sure, bye, Mate." I smile at him as he goes to the door and pulls hos jacket on.

He leaves and I shut the door behind him.

Quietly, I slip in to my bed room and change in to some black track suit bottoms and find the smallest pair of pajama bottoms and top I own.

I left Poppy's bag in the car by accident. I'll get it in the morning.

I go round to the side of the bed she is lay on. "Poppy, Darling?" I gently wake her, running my thumb over her soft cheek.

"Hmm?" She rubs her face.

"I've got some comfier clothes for you to wear" I say softly. "Put them on, I'll wait outside." I kiss her forehead and leave the bedroom.

"Kieran, I'm done." I hear her say and I open the door. She's just crawling back under the covers, and she looks shattered.

"Go back to sleep, Princess." I make sure she's tucked in a and I gently press my lips to her forehead before taking the blanket off the end of my bed and heading to the living room.

"Where are you going?" I look over to Poppy and she's frowning at me.

"I was going to sleep on the sofa." I turn my body to face her.

"Stay with me?" It sounds like a question and I smile at her, placing the fleecy throw back on the end of the bed.

"Of course." I slip in next to her and she rests her head on my naked chest.

Holding Poppy here feels so good.


The first thing I realise when I wake up is that Poppy is curled up next to me. Her body is pressed as close to mine as it possibly could be.

My arms are wrapped around her and I pull her against me even tighter. If that's possible.

I look over to the clock behind Poppy and it reads 5:56am. The alarm is going to go off in half an hour.

Poppy is not going to school today. Her brother died yesterday and I will not let her go back until she believes that she is ready.

For the remaining time I have in bed, I don't try and go back to sleep. Instead, I think about having Poppy here in my arms.

She's going to be so angry with me when I tell her that I told her parents.

Beep! Beep! Beep!.

Poppy groans as the obnoxious beeps disturb her sleep and I chuckle slightly. I lean over her and slap the top of the alarm clock, turning it off.

"I don't want to go to school." Whispers Poppy and I can just about feel her lips move against my chest.

"You don't have to go back until you're ready, Baby." I reassure her and I feel her relax.

Reluctantly, I slide from the bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

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