Chapter 1: The Second Chance for the One-Armed Wolf

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Thought everything you do will not be worth it in the long run for there may be no happy endings or no solace and what you are doing will fail and you will die alone, it is better to do the right thing and never expect much of a reward or anything.

There is no hope or a happy ending for the good deeds you are doing. But it is better being good than being bad. And it is better to leave things to their own devices after a job well done.

It may not make sense momentarily.

Hell, I don't if this will work and anyone would actually listen.

But all I can say is that thought the world is a dark and unforgivable place of violence and corruption, there is always a glimmer of light beneath it.

Even a chance to actually find something that will be lovely in your eyes.

Just saying.




Sorry about that. I have read this trope in regards towards Anti-Nihilism and this are people who are cynical, nihilistic and bitter characters... that despite being given a view where everything is meaningless, that doesn't mean they have to act like a jerk or being a depressing wreck about it and are straight heroes or good person despite their viewpoint.

I like this characters. They know that the world is a horrible place and it is impossible to actually fixed it. Yet, doing something good and making an effort to actually fixed it is actually better than making it worse or do nothing at all.

I wish Akame ga Kill! or anyone of those dark and edgy authors should follow this acts of Anti-Nihilism.

At least it won't make anything bleak or depressing.

And for those of you who questioned me about taking inspiration, this takes inspiration from 'A Needed Hero' by 'AceAkuma', an Akame ga Kill and My Hero Academia crossover.

While the writing is kind of iffy to say the least, I actually kind appreciated the fact that Izuku actually showed himself to be a very genuine hero and a kind and compassionate person that just comes across as rather cute and endearing, especially by his interaction with Akame (Who is best girl).

While a story like this would be massively annoying as it is a story about a character that refuses to kill, he had made Izuku into a very sympathetic and likable character who is innocent and isn't ready for the darkness of the world itself.

Even Akame herself is saddened on the fact that an innocent person is about to get killed.

Furthermore, he doesn't go out of his way to cling to a moral higher ground and he just act nice and sweet to anyone.

Overall, he has untapped potential for being a Symbol of Peace. He may not be there but he will and I wish that in spite of My Hero Academia being a deconstructor fleet, I actually wish that there will be a light in the long run.

I mean, who in here doesn't know that the one who speaks in the intro is actually Izuku all grown up.


I don't know?

Anyway, enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill! and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They belong to their respective owners.

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