six | beau

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six | BEAU


I love his name.


I smile, watching his visions meet the lake in front of him. His lips encompass the cigarette, slowly dissolving the stick into smidgen. The ends gradually incinerate by the orange flames, so soft that I yearn to touch them. He slips the cigar from his lips, and a puff of white smoke escapes after.

"Does it mean anything?" I ask, turning my whole body to face him, still seated crossed legged.

"It means beautiful or handsome." He quickly replies, each word that came out of his mouth sounds wonderful with his french thick accent. "What does yours mean?" His head rotates to face me, an eyebrow raised on his face.

"Rain." I answer, watching him take another drag of his cigarette. "My dad loved the name since he was a kid and decided to name me Indra because I seem like a baby who would grow up and love rain, which is definitely not true, I hate rain. Well, I don't hate rain, I just don't like it. But something I do really like is coffee. Coffee is amazing." I take a deep breath from my fast-talking, "I don't know why I told you all that, let's just ignore what I just said." He hums in agreement. I furrow my eyebrow together, watching him exhale the smoke inside his mouth.

I take a closer look at his side profile, he had a beautiful side profile. His black curly hair, almost depicting the dark night skies, rests on his forehead and ears, his plump pink lips takes another soft drag of his cigarette, silver rings wrapped around his fingers, a small tattoo on his wrist was visible, his skin looks soft in this lighting, and the curve of his nose was in a perfect shape.

"Are you done staring?" Beau whisper, interrupting my thoughts. His head was already facing me, a smirk forming slowly on his face, taking pleasure in me staring at him.

"I was not staring." I definitely was.

"But you were." He smirks, his bright green eyes connect with mine. I roll my eyes in response. He rotates his whole body to face me, his legs crossed together on the dock. "It's okay to admit."

"Favorite thing to do?" I ask, changing the subject with a random question in my head. I avoid the amusement in his eyes, turning my head to look at the big amount of water.

He doesn't say anything for a couple of minutes, I move my head to look at him. His eyes trail around my face, not a single word coming out of his mouth, no facial expression on his face. I curve my eyebrows together, "Beau?"

His eyes blink rapidly, coming back to reality. "Hm? What did you say?"

"I asked what's your favorite thing to do?" I repeat, my eyebrows still furrowed.

He brings his hand to his chin, cupping under it. "Listening to music while taking pictures with my polaroid camera."

"Dude, I always wanted a polaroid camera as a kid." I state, a bright smile on my face.

"You sure do like calling my 'dude', don't you." He grins, and I nod, "Why didn't you get one when you were a kid."

"Because when I got one my mother automatically gave it to my brother since he wanted one too." I mutter, looking down at my hands on my lap. I play with my fingernails, avoiding the huge wave of sadness that fills my body. I remember the exact day too, I was so happy that I brought my own polaroid camera with my own money, but that happiness is stripped away from me by my mother. She gave it to my older brother instead, she wanted to see my brother happier than me. And when I tried to argue with her about it, she would yell at me and tell me to go into my room.

She didn't care about me, she didn't care for me at all. She didn't care if I was happy, she didn't care if I was sad, and she didn't care about any emotion that filled my body. She only cared about my precious older brother. He didn't care for me either, he always loved the attention given to him, so why would he give that up for me?

They never noticed me, they only talked to me when they needed me to do something for them. Over time, I slowly became invisible to them, accepting the fact that I will never be seen by them again. But it's okay, I got used to the feeling.

"Indra." A soft raspy voice calls out, a warm large hand on top of mine. My eyes drift up to look at Beau, his green eyes connecting mine. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine." Lies, Lies, Lies. "We need to stop spacing out on each other."

"Yea." He agrees, removing his hand from mine. The warmth of his touch remains on my mind as he opens his mouth to talk. "What's your favorite thing to do?"

"Sitting here on the dock and enjoying the lake's view." I smile softly, "Something about watching the lake flow with the wind, brings instant joy into my heart."

A small sigh escapes his lips, "So, you've been coming here for a while now?"

I nod, "I've been coming here for three years, this lake was my dad's favorite place." I pause, interlocking my hands on my lap. "I take it you're not from here."

"Wow, I wonder what made you think that." He teases. I roll my eyes at his sarcastic tone. "I moved here two weeks ago."

"How are you liking it so far?"

He shrugs, "It's alright, it's just really cold here."

"You'll get used to the cold."

He shoves his hand into his black thick jacket, grabbing his phone. His eyes widened once he turned on his phone, "Shit, I need to go. I have to go to a job interview." He untangles his legs and stands on his feet, digging his phone back into his pocket. Beau looks down at me as I look up at him, "It was nice talking to you."

"Same here." I whisper with a small smile. I watch as his lips curve into a grin before walking out of my sight. Footsteps fade into nothingness as he walks away from me. And now I'm all alone, sitting here on the dock near the lake, watching ripples form in the water as the feeling of loneliness consumes my whole body.


definitely not edited, I'll edit it later when I'm fully awake. I'm on spring break for school, so I might update frequently this week or I might not, it really depends on my mood.

anyways, have a great night/day and stay safe <3

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