nineteen | tension

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nineteen | TENSION
B  E  A  U    M  O  N  E  T


A beautiful flower that overlaps with vibrant colors. Petals cover other petals as if it's trying to protect one another. The flower blooms under the sunlight rays, the sun sinking deep into the softness of the sepal. Gleams so brightly that the other flowers seek its beauty.


Every time I think of the flower, peony, my mind instantly goes to Indra. Her smile overlaps in my brain, one after another, causing great migraines in my brain. Her eyes capture the sun more than any tiny thing on the earth that we're standing on.

At just one glance at her, my eyes were filled with enthrallment, from her exquisite hazel eyes to her fetching dimpled smiles to her resonance laughter. The combination of all those beautiful qualities drains my soul, like peonies that suck the sun's energy, and leaves me lifeless.

Sunlight leaks through the large windows into the dark house, creating more light in the room. The bright rays comb through her hair, beaming her amber hair. My hands trace the hem of her jaw as a soft, deep breath escapes her lips. Her head snuggles into my neck due to my delicate touch, her hands rest on my heart, feeling my rapid heart rate against her fingers, her leg props over my body as I recline on my back, and her upper body planted on my shoulder.

I need to go make breakfast.

But I don't want to leave this position.

After a couple of minutes of debating, I carefully slipped my hands from her body, throwing my legs over the bed and landing my feet on the ground. I take a glimpse of Indra before leaving for the kitchen. Her hands clenched near her heart, her hair strewn all over her face, her mouth gaped open slightly, soft noises escaped her lips, and her body facing me. Her heart pattern pajamas catch my attention, a smirk etched on my face. I peer over her body, pecking her cheek, her soft skin lingers on my lips as I pace into the kitchen.


Heat rays glint into my skin as my eyes flutter open. My eyebrows furrowed together as I felt no warm body near me, but the sounds of glass plates clinking together bombarded my ears, soothing my confusion. My hands are outstretched above my bed as my mouth gapes open, yawning.

I lift my upper body off the bed, my eyes are instantly drawn to Beau's back. I could count the outline of his muscles that were tightening the white shirt he had on. With every movement, his back flexes, and more hidden ones pop out.

He hasn't noticed me yet. Great opportunity to scare the shit out of him.

I carefully and quietly toss my legs over the bed, placing them on the ground. I creep slowly into the kitchen, watching him silently cursing himself as he accidentally spills liquid on the marble counter. He rushes to grab the cloth next to the ingredients he had out and uses it to wipe the counter clean. With all the time he wasted, I had the ability to stand behind him, the tip of my feet almost touching the ends of his.

My hand grasps his broad shoulders, "Boo." I whisper, stepping on the tip of my feet to graze my lips against his ears. Shivers spread through his body, but it's not from my unexpected scare.

"I could hear you from a mile away, Indra." Beau chortle, his body rumbling with laughter. "Nice try." I slip my arms down his shoulder and cross them over my chest. He twisted on his heel, facing me. "Don't be mad, you just need to get a lesson from me."

"You. Are. Irritating." I roll my eyes, pivoting my body and striding towards the bathroom door. A chuckle from Beau echoes through the small apartment as I pry open the door and enter inside.

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