𝙰 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎

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Hei and Roman were at Seth's house now. It was about 9pm and the cafe closed 2 hours ago.

Hei was, as promised, checking up on Seth's dog, Kevin. "He's been shaking like he's cold and throwing up." Seth sighed as he watched Hei cradle the small dog. "Aw, poor baby. It sounds like it's just a stomach flu. Let's see how he's doing tomorrow and then go from there." She suggested as the kissed the dog's forehead. "It'll be okay, sweetie."

"You must really love animals, Hei." Roman commented, watching with a smile. "I do. I have a cat at home. He and Dean do NOT get along." She chuckled. "Speaking of which, Dean should be on his way here." Hei laid Kevin on his little bed and pet him some more. "I'll be back to check on you some more tomorrow. You feel better, Kev." She kissed the dog's forehead again and stood, stretching.

Roman tried to resist, but he couldn't help but to check out Hei's figure, since he didn't get to see much of it in her frilly pink cafe dress uniform. Seth noticed this and lightly slapped Roman's shoulder. "Dude, Dean already wants to kick your ass, quit it." He remarked half jokingly. Roman chuckled. "I'm gonna have to find a way to get on his good side then."

Hei was too busy wondering what all the flashing was outside the window. Roman stood and walked over, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Everything okay, Doll?-" He looked towards the window. "Aw, fuck." Both Hei and Seth turned to Roman. "Roman? What's going on?" Hei asked. "Nothin', I just-" There was a knock on the door. "Fuuck-" Roman groaned, rubbing his forehead. "I'll handle this, hold on-" He walked over to the door and opened it, glancing back at Hei before stepping outside, where there seemed to be an uproar of cheering and chatter.

Hei's curiosity got the better of her and she trotted up to the window, slyly peeking through the blinds. The flashes were apparently from cameras. "Paparazzi..? Why are paparazzi following him?" She whispered. Seth grabbed her hand and tried to drag her away. "Let's let him handle it, Hei. It's probably fine." Hei snatched away and watched Roman try to shoo the people away.

Eventually, the people began to disperse after Roman made the paparazzi delete the pictures of Seth's house. Roman sighed as he re-entered the house. "I apologize. They just.. don't know when to leave me the fuck alone." He rolled his eyes. "Were those paparazzi? What the hell was that all about?" Seth asked, crossing his arms. "I didn't want to tell you until later, but..." Roman slowly reached into his back pocket and pulled out a rolled magazine.

He held it out to Hei, who slowly grabbed it. Hei looked over the magazine. "You're a..WWE Superstar..?" She asked, looking up at Roman, who nodded. "I didn't want you to know because..if we're seen together, people will assume.." He gestured with his hands, his cheeks seeming to go red. "And then my fans will begin to swarm and harass you, you know how fans are... I don't want that for you. That's why I wanted to tell you later rather than sooner." Roman sighed. "Huh. I guess that explains why you're so beefed up." Hei crossed her arms and tilted her head as she eyed his muscles.

"I guess so." He smiled softly and rubbed his head.

Hei opened her mouth to speak again, but there was another knock on the door. Roman huffed. "I swear if it's that damn paparazzi again-" He practically ripped the door open, ready to pummel whoever it was on the other side.

Dean glared directly at Roman, who's expression immediately softened. "Oh shit. My bad, man. I thought it was-" "Hei. Come on." Dean called to his sister. Hei sighed and gave Seth a hug. "See you tomorrow." She muttered, grabbing her bag. "Make sure Kevin gets plenty of rest." Seth nodded. "I will."

Hei hugged Roman next. "Will you come by tomorrow?" She asked, looking up at him. "I'll see what my schedule is like, babygirl." Roman replied, hugging her back. They both smiled at each other and Hei reluctantly let go, following after Dean.

Roman stood in the doorway, watching and making sure they both got to Dean's car safely and pulled off. Seth slipped his hands into his pockets. "I really don't like how Dean acts like he's her dad...I know he's very protective, but it's just like...Bro, she's an adult." He shook his head. "I agree, man. I'm glad she's got someone to love and protect her, but damn, he's protectin' her a little too much." Roman added on. "I guess I'll go too, don't wanna keep you from anything." He grabbed his jacket and his phone. "Alright, Roman. Safe travels." Seth nodded, watching the larger man leave.

In the car ride home, Hei flipped through the magazine, looking at pictures of Roman. She had to admit that Roman was... kinda fine. She stared at his muscles, lightly running her fingers across his tatted sleeve. She suddenly wished that it wasn't printed onto a page of a magazine and he was actually next to her. "How was work?" Dean broke the silence, startling Hei lightly. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze.

"Fine." She smiled. "Good." Dean lowered both their windows and rested his elbow on his windowsill. "Dean..?" Hei asked. "Hm?" He looked at her again. "I miss Roman. Today is the most time I've spent with him today...he's a really sweet guy." Hei blushed, flipping through the magazine. "Was he.." Dean frowned as he stared ahead. Hei noticed some writing in a page. "Hm?" She looked closer.. It seemed to be a phone number or some type. Was it Roman's?

Hei took out her phone and put the number in. She would send a text when she got home.

There was no way a super popular wrestler who probably makes well over 100k a year had his eye on Hei, a lowly cafe worker who just barely squeezes by.

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 (𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓!𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑠 𝑋 𝑂𝐶)Where stories live. Discover now