𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙳𝚊𝚢

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While playing in the snow, Hazel had noticed Hei hadn't come out yet

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While playing in the snow, Hazel had noticed Hei hadn't come out yet. She frowned and looked toward the house. "Daddy, where's Miss Hei? Isn't she coming?" She asked, looking to her father.

Roman sighed. "Hei's not feeling well this morning, Babygirl. She woke up with a fever." He frowned. "We should go take care of her! Let's make her some soup and stuff!" Hazel began pushing her father toward the house. "But what about your snowman, Hazel?" Roman asked, blinking as he was shoved by the 4 year old. "We can finish later, Miss Hei is more important!" She grunted as Roman finally neared the sliding door. He chuckled and slid it open, standing aside for Hazel. "Be sure to take off your shoes before you go all the way into the house so you don't track water." He told her as the little girl ran by. "Okay!" She chirped.

Once Roman entered the house and took off his own shoes, he was surprised to see Hei weakly trudging down the stairs. "Hei? Babygirl, you need to rest." He rushed over and held her in his arms. He could feel her shaking, her skin hot to the touch. "Dammit.. Jimmy!! Jey!!" Roman shouted throughout the house as he took a lethargic Hei to the couch. The twins soon came rushing in, with Jimmy almost slipping due to his socks on the hardwood floor. "What's wrong, Uce? She okay?" Jey asked. "No.. Call an ambulance. I need you and Jimmy to watch Hazel for me." Roman instructed as he held Hei. Her breathing was weak and she looked to be falling asleep in his arms. Jimmy immediately grabbed the nearest phone and called for an ambulance while Jey rushed up the stairs to find Hei some clothes.

"Hei.. can you tell me what's wrong? How did you get sick..?" Roman asked, knowing she wouldn't be able to answer in her current state. He moreso asked himself. Considering she was completely fine just hours prior, he was confused on what could have made her so sick all of a sudden like this. He noticed her stir and she leaned in to kiss under his chin. "I'm c-cold.." She muttered, burying her face in his jawline. "Don't worry, Hei. The ambulance will be here soon, okay? You're gonna be okay.." Roman tried to hold himself together. His eyes were red and he began to bounce his leg as he rubbed Hei's arm.

Jey soon came back with some clothes for Hei. He and Roman slipped them on just in time as Jimmy let the paramedics in. Roman put his shoes back on and rushed upstairs to grab a few things for Hei, including her phone and charger.


6 hours now and nothing. No doctor could come up with any diagnosis and Roman was just about at his limit. He sat in a chair, staring at a sleeping Hei on the bed. He stood up and grabbed the now melted ice pack on her forehead, replacing it with a cold one. Hei whined and stirred, not liking the cold. "It's just me, Babygirl. You're alright." Roman chuckled as he watched her open her beautiful blue heterochromatic eyes. He leaned down and planted a long, loving kiss on her forehead, trailing his hand under her jawline and across her upper chest for her temperature. "Your fever is going down.. thank god." He whispered just as another doctor entered the room. "Tell me you found something." Roman said as he sat back down.

The doctor sighed and looked down at his clipboard. "Unfortunately, Mr. Reigns, we've come up with nothing. No flu, no other viruses that can cause a fever like this. And so we don't know how to treat her." Roman leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "So you're telling me.. I've sat here and watched her be poked and prodded endlessly for 6 fucking hours and not a damn person in this whole building has come up with anything?" He asked, giving a small chuckle. It wasn't like a genuine chuckle, it was the kind of chuckle when you know someone's about to snap.

Hei found a bit of strength and reached over to weakly grab his hand. "Roman.." She croaked. He was too far gone. He shot up, towering over the doctor. "Discharge her. Now." He demanded in a low, threatening tone. "I-i will go get her papers ready, sir. I'm really sorry that we couldn't-" "NOW!!" Roman suddenly yelled. Hei grunted and pushed herself up to a sitting position. "R-roman!!" She strained, panting heavily. He looked toward her, rushing over to gently lay her back down. "No, Hei.. lay down. I'm not gonna do anything crazy, I promise. We're gonna figure this out ourselves, okay?" He spoke tenderly, brushing his hand over her hair.

The doctor came back with the discharge papers, which Roman quickly signed and began to help Hei get ready. He slipped her boots on and put her coat on, picking her up bridal style. "You ready?" He asked before stepping out of the room and beginning to carry her out of the facility.


Once they were home, Roman laid her in bed, quickly stripping her nude so her fever would go down quicker. He laid her down in bed and covered her, placing a cold towel on her head. Hei whined before suddenly slapping the towel away and slowly sitting up, seeming to be in pain. "Hei, Baby, lay down, please..-" "D-don't touch me!!" She flinched away, curling up as she cried out in pain. Roman began to panic, stepping back and watching on. As Hei writhed, two massive, bushy white/red tipped tails sprouted from her butt. They swayed in such a satisfying manner as a pair of matching tall fox ears sprouted from her head. After the ears were fully sprouted, Hei sighed, falling back and panting. "Hei..!" Roman was instantly at her side, feeling her up. Her fever had broken almost instantly. Hei took his hand and yawned. "I'm okay, Ro." She smiled softly.

Roman leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers. "I was so fucking worried about you, Hei.. You have no idea how badly you scared me." He whispered. "I'm sorry, Ro.. I didn't mean to make you worry like that." Hei cupped his cheek. "I was scared myself.. I had never gone through anything like that before.. And all for ears and a tail?" She huffed, pulling him in for a hug. Roman nodded and just stayed in her embrace, sighing in relief. "Hei.. You know what tomorrow is, right?" He suddenly asked. "Oh my god, today is Christmas Eve! I completely forgot!! I'm so sorry if I ruined anything you had pla-" Hei rambled before Roman placed a finger over her lips. "Hazel has no gifts and it's already late afternoon. We gotta do this shit fast." They both nodded and scrambled to get clothes on.

As Roman watched Hei get ready, he couldn't help but let his eyes travel. She was just so flawlessly beautiful, he didn't know what other words to describe her. He suddenly walked up and gave a harsh slap to her bottom. "OW!!" Hei squeaked, turning to face him with a pout. "Sorry. Bad habit of mine." Roman laughed, rubbing the now red area. "I'm gonna leave a mark one of these days.." He leaned in to whisper in her ear as he tugged her leggings up. "You know what I really want for Christmas, right?" Hei chuckled and adjusted her sweater. "I might have an idea.." She muttered and pushed at his chest. "Finish getting ready. I'm gonna go talk to everyone else." Roman grumbled in disappointment and continued to slip his clothes on as Hei exited the room.

"Miss Hei!!" Hazel almost instantly ran at Hei, hugging her legs. "Are you okay?!" She asked, looking up. Before Hei could respond, Hazel's eyes opened wide. "YOU'RE A KITTY!!!" Hei laughed and picked the girl up, holding her on her hip. "Not exactly. I'll explain in a little bit." She said as she carried her down the stairs.

Jimmy and Jey were currently sat facing each other and.. seemed to be having a staring contest. "Uh.. boys?" Hei cocked a brow. "Hi, Hei. You feelin' better?" Jey said without looking at her. "What are you two doing?" Hei asked as Hazel giggled. "I told them to play the staring game!" She snickered. "Alright. Game over." Hei reached down and waved her hand in front of their faces, causing them to both blink. "Heeeeii!! I was so close to victory!" Jimmy whined before they both got up. Hei set Hazel down and hugged the twins. "I'm so glad you're better now.. and look at you! All goddess looking and stuff." Jey took her hands. "Jey, please. I'm not a goddess, I'm just.. me." Hei shook her head as Roman trudged down the stairs.

He watched for a second before walking up and taking Hei's hand. "We've gotta go back out. There's a gingerbread house in the kitchen you can do to keep Hazel occupied." He told the twins before taking Hei with him to the front door. "And make sure Hazel is asleep by the time I get back. I've got some last minute gifts before Christmas." He gave orders as he grabbed his keys and left the house.

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 (𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓!𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑠 𝑋 𝑂𝐶)Where stories live. Discover now