Chapter 5

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This should be a long chapter btw

Derek's POV:

I began my day the same as usual I woke up early and headed into work there's nothing to do away from the hospital. When moving out here to Seattle I stumbled across this land it turned out to be 40 acres full of woodland, a large lake and a pond. A huge mountain and cliffs surrounded the area and it was then and there that I knew I wanted to buy it, what I was going to do with 40 acres of land ... I had no clue. But since then I brought a trailer and put it on the land and this is where I currently live but I like it. I get up every morning to fish and just enjoy the nature.

Today I woke up happier than usual there's no point in trying to hide it, it was obviously Meredith Grey it's like she's placed a spell. As much as I wanted to hate her for stealing my job I can't she has me wrapped and every time I have spoken to her I have come across as a complete idiot barely able to form even a sentence with her. I know Dr Burke has a problem with her but his seems to be a little more personal not sure why.


I arrived at the hospital and met with Burke immediately as we had an early case booked. Except when I then met with him he had changed the whole procedure which was not what we had agreed. I tried reasoning with him back to the original way but he was not cooperating just making it more and more difficult. So in any situation like this where surgeons can't agree we have to pull in a second opinion and that opinion would come from the chief. Chief Grey. I was looking forward to actually having something to say to her and be able to form full sentences instead of just random odd words. Her office was on the other side from where I was so I walked over and went straight into her office. Bad move. I should have knocked but I barged in. My plan of full sentences flew straight out the window as I walked in on her changing. All that was in my head now ... was her. Her wearing that black lacey bra. Those thoughts were now taking up my mind and now I was struggling to speak to her. I could feel my cheeks warming up I managed to get a few words out until someone else barged through the door. I'm not sure what it was but someone seeing her in her underwear annoyed me even though I had just accidently done the same. I turned around expecting Burke to be there but it wasn't I didn't know who it was but I took it as a quick getaway to leave and see Chief Grey when I was back with Burke.

I hurried off after leaving to go find Burke I really want to know who that man was in Meredith's office he wasn't wearing scrubs maybe he was a friend. What if he was her husband , a woman like her must surely be taken I hadn't seen a wedding ring on her finger though. I still can't get those images of her out of my mind from when she was changing it's wrong I know but they won't leave. However there's one thing I did notice whilst she was turned around and that was that there was a large scar from the back of her right shoulder down a quarter of the way down her arm. Something seemed off about it what if she got hurt badly and that's why she got it. No why am I thinking like that, I rode a motorcycle and got a small scar on my head, yes mine was small but maybe she had a cool story as to how she got hers. Anyway I went off to find Burke which I was originally doing and I told him that we had to go and sort this out by asking chief Grey he seemed uncomfortable to do it but this was the only way to sort out the fact of us having different opinions.

Once reaching the Chiefs office we entered it was awkward at first for me anyway but then we got straight to it. I cleared my throat 'We have a patient and we can't decide on a way to go for the surgery we need you to choose.' She motioned my hand to the scans and I handed them over.

'Hmm this is huge ... Well both work simultaneously and I prefer Shepherd's idea. Looking forward to seeing you boys in the O.R.' Chief grey said.

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