Chapter 31

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"Meredith you are leaving me with no choice but to send out a missing persons alert for you please just message me if you are okay this isn't like you" Alex said again into his cell.

"Any luck?" Derek asked approaching Alex in the hospital hallway.

"No I just tried her and it went straight to voicemail... again" He huffed.

Derek's phone beeped they both jumped to it at any thought it was Meredith. Even a text would be fine; they just needed to know she was safe. They moved back away from one another when Derek let out a breath.

"Just a reminder, I need to go grab Ellis from school. I will see you in a bit."


Derek was first there he wanted to make sure of that the moment he set that reminder. He stood outside the class door waiting for her to come out and he was joined by several other parents, many who were sending him gazing looks. Either chatting to one another about who he was and why he was there and others mentioning how attractive he looks, the scrubs he was still in probably added more onto that fact.

Moments later the door opened and Mrs Kingsley called each child out as she saw their parents. Ellis came out with a large smile and bounce in her walk but when she saw Derek she was less enthusiastic. He crouched down to her noticing the reaction he knew why she had done it, this whole situation was hard on her. What did he expect?

"Hey what's wrong" he asked, placing his hands either side of her shoulders.

"I thought mummy was getting me" she leaned in for a hug instantly as she said it.

"I know, I'm sorry she really wanted to get you today but she is still very busy. Hopefully we will hear from her soon."
"Can we go now?" she sniffed.

"Of course we can" He went to pull back so they could walk off but felt the grip on his scrub top tighten, he stood up with her on his left side and headed out to the car.

Derek had taken more time off over the last 3 days than he had ever, he enjoyed it though he didn't enjoy the constant worrying over Meredith. He and Alex had decided to give her 2 days and with it being the third tonight they were calling the police. The searches they tried ended up in a wad end as there was only a number of places Meredith would be and each one they looked she showed no sign.

The ride home was quieter than usual because of Ellis being upset she didn't feel like talking much. Derek tried to cheer her up with her favourite song but nothing until he offered pizza and just like her mother would have she lit up and they agreed to it.

Ellis skipped to the door well ahead of Derek eagerly awaiting to order the pizza he had now promised. He soon followed after grabbing his things and locking the car. He joined her at the front door and opened it, sending Ellis running into the kitchen at an excited pace. Derek stopped in his tracks dropping his bag and coat, which were close to the coat rack, when he heard screams coming from the kitchen.

He ran straight in having no clue what she was screaming at. Did she hurt herself? Or worse could someone else be in there? He only cared about that little girl there and then and so he rushed straight in hitting the door as he flew in. His eyes shot open and he let out a breath when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Hi" Meredith said with an awkward smile unsure of how his mood would be. She was honestly surprised that he was here looking after Ellis, she knew it was bad having to leave her with someone who knew that they were to take care of her.

He nodded in response, not replying.

Ellis who was nuzzled into Meredith's neck turned to Derek "Mummy isn't busy anymore she's back."

He sent a cheerful smile to her opposite of what he was giving Meredith.

"Why don't you go and head into the living room and I will be in there shortly with some of those rainbow cookies you love so much." Meredith crouched down addressing Ellis as she stood her on the floor.

She smiled in response and ran off leaving just Meredith and Derek in the kitchen.

Derek kept a straight face leaning back on the door frame "I tried your cell, there was no response."

She wanted to tell him what had happened but she couldn't because he would think she was a crazy person and that he was making it up. Though when she told him about Finn before he seemed understanding and as though he cared.

'I'm sorry I just got so caught up and lost track of time" She lied leaning back on the sink counter opposite the room from Derek.

"It's been three days, a message would have sufficed to either me or Alex. We didn't know where you were or if something had happened to you. Imagine you had been kidnapped and we had people search for you, but not to worry your back now" he sarcastically spoke.

She was hurt by his tone but he was right. She would have sent a message but slight problem with Finn and he had dropped her phone by her car which would still be in the parking lot. Why didn't they think anything was up if her car was still at the hospital she wondered. "I'm sorry my phone was switched off."

"For three days? You have a daughter to think about, not just yourself. You left her alone and didn't think to tell anyone. Do you even care about her?" He asked slightly louder with an annoyed tone.

His words felt like a punch straight to the stomach, how dare he ask that. Of course she cared, so much that she was trying to stay away from Finn. So much that she is having to move again for both their safety. This upset her because he was really starting to like Seattle again but guess that could no longer work.

"Get out," She calmly said.

"Excuse me" He stepped towards her.

"I said get out. Leave!" She shouted.

"After everything I have done for you. You brush me off over a confrontation which I deserve might I add.

She didn't reply standing her ground.

"I would prefer you didn't make a scene so leave, leave now Derek."

"Fine." He raised his arms.

"That's what you want, that's what you can have because clearly whatever Meredith wants Meredith gets. Though next time you plan to run out on your daughter, at least give someone a message and don't let that person be me."

Rage overcame her and she grabbed the nearest thing to her, throwing it just past his head.

"Very Mature Meredith" Derek said now pointing at the broken vase of flowers she had just thrown. As he slammed the door she gripped the side of the sink and reminded herself it would be fine.

"Mummy?" A scared Ellis called.

Meredith stood up and quickly grabbed the dust pan and brush to clean up her mess.

"Just coming sunshine, go ahead and choose a film."

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