Chapter 10: Talking to ellie

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Elliana's pov: Takes her upstairs to my room.
Social worker: I don't want to intrude but i just thought it would be good to have a chat on our own.
Elliana: You're not going to take me into care or anything are you?
Social worker: Of course not. The last thing we want is it to take you away from your family.
Elliana: Cause a girl in our year got put into care.
Social worker: Well there must have been a very good reason for that. Maybe her parents couldn't cope, or look after her properly or perhaps they were harming her in some way.
Elliana: Yeah, maybe.
Social worker: Do you get along with your parents? Do you?
Elliana: Yeah, I get along really well with them.
Social worker: It's only because, you looked a bit upset when I first got here.
Elliana: mum isn't very happy with me about what's happened.
Social worker: And how do you feel about it?
Elliana: Ummm....scared.
Social worker: Can I ask you about the father?
Elliana:'s just a boy at school.
Social worker: In the same year as you?
Elliana: Yes, he is in the same year as me.
Social worker: Do you want to tell me his name?
Elliana: No thank you.
Social worker: Okay. Is he a steady boyfriend?
Elliana: I don't wanna talk about it.
Social worker: I know you must be feeling strange at the moment but you're not the first girl this has happened too.
Elliana: Yeah, I know that.
Social worker: There are lots of people there to help you, in lots of ways. And even if all you want is someone to talk to other than your mum or your step dad. The important thing is you mustn't feel like you're on your own.
Social worker's pov: I leaves the house after talking to Ellie.
Elliana: The next morning We all wake up early as I have a appointment.
Yolanda: Are you watching the time?
Hunter: Cause we need to be at the clinic for 10:30. Oh yeah we don't wanna be late. We don't want social services coming round again. Seeing if they can be an assistance. Well that's what will happen yolanda. You know why didn't they say that we are lousy parents Mr. Walmsley.
Yolanda: Will you stop going on about it?
Hunter: Yeah, cause people round here won't put your foot around when the news gets out.
Yolanda: Well, we will cross that bridge when it comes to it. If we come to it. Are you ready?
Elliana: For what?
Yolanda: We have a clinic appointment this morning at 10:30 remember?
Elliana: Ah, don't feel like it.
Yolanda: Well it's not a matter of what you feel like.
Elliana: Well, I'll go next week.
Yolanda: You can't do that with appointments ellie. There's loads of time.
Hunter: Elliana, you're going to this clinic.
Elliana: I'm seeing Sophia and jules.
Hunter: You've got all half term to see Sophia and Jules. This is more important.
Elliana: Why?
Hunter: I think you know why.
Elliana: So make me.
Yolanda: Ellie!
Elliana's pov: Leaves the house and comes home about 6pm.
Yolanda: So the wonder returns. Have you had your tea?
Elliana: Yeah. I had it at Sophia's. I'm gonna go to bed, I think.
Yolanda: Are you still friends then?
Elliana: We'll i wouldn't have been there all day if we weren't would i?
Yolanda: True, did she ask why you were in a funny mood last friday?
Elliana: No, what you mean is have I told her.
Yolanda: No. No. That isn't what I meant.
Elliana: That is all you care about is who knows, you don't even care about me.
Hunter: Yes, we do.
Elliana: Yeah, if you cared more about me then this would never have happened.
Elliana's pov: heads upstairs to my room.
Hunter: Elliana! Elliana!. 
Yolanda: She didn't mean that.
Hunter: Oh, so we've got nothing to worry about then have we.

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