Chapter 13: Another lecture

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Elliana's pov: After sophia goes home i go to bed and wakes up the next morning and goes to have some breakfast.
Yolanda: Morning, sweetie. What would you like for your breakfast?
Elliana: Um...toast.
Yolanda: What about porridge that'll settle your tummy well.
Elliana: Why are we turning into the three bears in all?
Yolanda: Okay, fine. Toast it is.
Hunter: Listen ellie. We need to talk. This lad? You're gonna have to give us his name.
Elliana: Why?
Hunter: Because we need to know.
Elliana: Why can you go round and knock him out?
Hunter: No, of course not.
Yolanda: You don't need to protect him, you know.
Elliana: I'm not protecting him. Geez, I don't even wanna see him again.
Hunter: Look, I know what you told your mother, but now I need to ask. Did he...
Elliana: No, he didn't force me. Will everyone stop asking me that, it just happened.
Yolanda: Look next week, when half term is over you're gonna have to go back to school and you're gonna have to face him, so wouldn't it be better if you...
Elliana: No! Mum he doesn't know and I don't know what he knows. I don't even care about him, he's no one special I just... Please, I don't want you all asking me questions.
Hunter: Well, the thing is because you are only 13 there's gonna be a lot of people asking you questions. The school is going to have to know for starters.
Elliana: Why? I just want things to go back to normal.
Hunter: Because you can't just go around...
Yolanda: Yeah, alright. That's enough for now. You go get ready for your appointment.
Elliana's pov: I got and got ready and we head to the hospital, and we go inside.
Yolanda: Hunter! We might have to wait ages. There's no point in us all going in, so there is no point in hanging around, so we'll see you at home later.
Hunter: Hang on, i thought the idea was that we would go in together that's why i've taken the morning off. 
Yolanda: Yeah, but i mean what if anyone else recognises you?
Hunter: So?
Yolanda: Sitting with your daughter in an antenatal clinic.
Hunter: Yeah and my wife.
Yolanda: They might get the wrong idea.
Hunter: don't you mean the right idea?
Yolanda: No, anyone can be found as gossip can spread like wildfire.
Hunter: Yolanda don't you think you're getting paranoid there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Yolanda: I'm not ashamed, I just want to keep things as quiet as possible until we have got a few things sorted out.
Elliana: Hunter I know, this must be a drag for you too.
Hunter: No it's not.
Yolanda: Please. Let me do things my way.
Hunter: Uh, okay. It's not like I've got much choice. Does it? Right, see ya.

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