Chapter 28: The reality of what happens

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Yolanda: Me?
Elliana: Yeah! Bringing it up and that?
Yolanda: What gives you that idea?
Elliana: Well I'm only 13, I won't know what to do?
Yolanda: We'll then you'll have to learn. Did you really think that I'll be doing it all for you?
Elliana: Sorta.
Yolanda: Well I think that me and you better have a little chat. So you thought that I would be bringing it up, While you carry on as normal?
Elliana: Well not completely.
Yolanda: But something like that?
Elliana: Well I still have to go to school.
Yolanda: I still have to go to work.
Elliana: Well can't you give up work?
Yolanda: Yeah but where will our money be coming from?
Elliana: Well dad works.
Yolanda: Do you really think that I would be going out to work if his wage was enough? We have this standard of living because we both have jobs.
Elliana: Yeah, but he's just got promoted.
Yolanda: Yeah and it's just as well with these babies on the way. Have you got any idea of how much they cost?
Elliana: Yeah but the government, help don't they?
Yolanda: You mean child benefits?
Elliana: Yeah.
Yolanda: But that won't go very far. You have seen Gary mallett struggling to make ends meet. And there are thousands like him. We're some of the lucky ones.
Elliana: I don't really wanna give up school. But I don't know at the moment.
Yolanda: You won't have to.
Elliana: But I won't be able to go to school and look after the babies at the same time.
Yolanda: Oh well, we will sort something out.
Elliana: But if you're still working?
Yolanda: Well then I'll just have to have some more time off then won't I? We should start thinking about that, with how it's going to work. Cause you're gonna be tired aren't ya? With looking after twins and doing your homework.
Elliana: I generally thought that the hard but was the pregnancy and that it will be over.
Yolanda: Your problems will really start after the babies are here. Cause there is just no two ways about it Ellie. This is one of the biggest hurdles that you have ever faced before, in your life. I'll do everything I can to help. And I'm sure Jentzen will help out when he can as well. But you will have to take the brunt. Cause your life is never gonna be the same again. And you should really start getting use to the idea.
Elliana: Yeah I know.
Yolanda: We'll get some rest as you've got school tomorrow.
Elliana's pov: We both had some dinner and then we went to sleep. The next morning before I had school. We all had to wake up early as mum had to go to the café as she had an early start. I was just sitting in the shop doing my English homework as I forgot to finish it off. But I did most of it the other day. But mum caught me doing it.
Yolanda: Is that your homework you're doing?
Elliana: Yeah it's just English, I forgot to finish it off. I did most of it on Saturday.
Yolanda: Why didn't you finish it off yesterday?
Elliana: Well I don't see why I'm bothering doing it at all when I'm not even going I be sitting in the exams is it?
Yolanda: Yes, you are. I told you we would work something out.
Elliana: But how?
Yolanda: We are a family, we will all do our bit. And there are nurseries.
Elliana: Yeah sure, I guess. Anyways I've gotta go. See ya later.
Elliana's pov: I headed off to school and after school I headed straight back home, and mum was just reading a book on the sofa.
Elliana: Hey mum.
Yolanda: Hey. Was it a good day at school?
Elliana: Yeah, it was alright.
Yolanda: Was it Ella who sent that card?
Elliana: Well she never said, out so I don't know. Anyways I won't give her the satisfaction of asking.
Yolanda: Okay, well let's have a little talk.
Elliana: Oh, what about this time?
Yolanda: Well, I told ya whatever comes along ahead you won't have to give up on school. Cause I know it won't be easy when the babies come, but we will manage somehow.
Elliana: Mum I'm sorry but I just can't see it. As the school won't allow me to take the babies with me. They already said I'll have to leave when I give birth and can return when it's all over. But I just don't know how to do both things at the same time.
Yolanda: Yeah I suppose not. But then there are other girls that are in your situation, like Jules and Sophia. And like Mrs. Payton said there are special units for girls that are still in school and have babies, as then you'll be able to look after them and do your school work and your classes.
Elliana: But I'll come up with a plan as well. I just don't wanna go to a special unit, as I'm not a freak.
Yolanda: No of course not. And I know you're not. And I also don't want you to go anywhere that makes you feel like one. But I do still think that we should look at them though. Cause I certainly don't want you to give up on your future.
Elliana: Cause it is for the baby's future as well isn't it?
Yolanda: Yes that's right.
Elliana: Mum, I'm just scared cause everything I do isn't going to be about me anymore.
Yolanda: No it won't be. But being pregnant even at a young age is scary for anyone's first time. No matter how old you are.
Elliana: Are you scared?
Yolanda: Yes of course I am, but I am excited to meet my grand babies. And also a couple of months ago, when I thought I might be pregnant again.
Elliana: Really?
Yolanda: I was more terrified than ever. But I'm not pregnant again. It was a whole misunderstanding.
Elliana: But you weren't still at school when you were pregnant with me were ya?
Yolanda: No, but you will have something that I wouldn't have had. You have a mum who loves you and takes care of you. And you have a good father, a brother and the baby's father who's now in the picture. And not to mention a grandmother. We are all going to be here and there for you Ellie. And I mean all of us.
Elliana: Thanks.

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