Chapter 14: Having Breakdown

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Elliana's pov: After my appointment and blood tests, we go back home. And I just lay on the sofa staring at the ultrasound picture trying to let it sink in a bit. 
Yolanda: You alright, sweetheart?
Elliana: Kinda.
Yolanda: Was there anything that the midwife said that you didn't understand?
Elliana: Nope, apart from why me? Is mainly what i don't understand
Yolanda: Well, we could all tourture ourselves with that one. But we still wouldn't have an answer.
Elliana: I didn't mean too. We only did it the one time, doesn't even assure me that jules did it with half the lads in class and she never got pregnant.
Yolanda: Yeah, I know it's not fair. But then lifes not fair is it? So we just got to say to ourselves that what happened, happened. And get on with it.
Elliana: I don't want to get on with it, I just want to go back to normal. Mum i'm sorry *cries*. I just want things to go back to the way they were. I didn't mean to do anything wrong, I swear.
Yolanda: I know you didn't. Don't you worry. Everything is gonna be fine, I promise. How about you go lay upstairs and I'll call Sophia to come over. Okay?
Elliana: Yes that's okay.
Elliana's pov: Heads upstairs and 10 mins later Sophia comes up into my room.
Sophia: Are you coming back to school next week?
Elliana: Yes, of course I am.
Sophia: I still can't get my head around it. Jentzen ramirez. I can't believe you did it with him.
Elliana: I didn't mean to.
Sophia: What do you mean? You didn't mean to? Anyways I thought it was Darren Michaels you fancied.
Elliana: It is, well it was. Cause there's a fat chance now though.
Sophia: Is your mum still giving you a hard time about it?
Elliana: What do you think? Everytime i go downstairs. They look at me like I've turned into some sort of flesh eating zombie.
Sophia: How do you reckon it happened?
Elliana: I don't know.
Sophia: Did you not ask him to use protection?
Elliana: I didn't know we were gonna do it.
Sophia: So why did ya?
Elliana: We were just going with each other and that for ages. Then the next thing I knew he was getting really keen, telling me how much he liked me and then the next thing I knew he was like there and I suppose I was just curious.
Sophia: Was it how you expected?
Elliana: Not really. It was over, ever so quick.
Sophia: But you did like it?
Elliana: It was alright I suppose.
Sophia: Sooo... does anyone else know?
Elliana: Nope, my mum won't even tell my gran.
Sophia: Well she has got a gob on her, your gran though hasn't she?
Elliana: Yep.
Sophia: Also, does anyone else at school know?
Elliana: Nope.
Sophia: Not even the gorgeous jentzen?
Elliana: No and I don't want him to either. I only told you because you're my best mate, so remember what you promised cause you've got a gob in you as well.
Sophia: I remember, and I'm glad you told me though, cause I mean I would've told you. So what does it feel like to be pregnant?
Elliana: Don't feel like I am.
Sophia: Aren't you meant to be throwing up all the time? cause that's what my auntie did.
Elliana: I did for a bit but you get used to it.
Sophia: So what are you going to call them?
Elliana: I don't know.
Sophia: You know, if I had a boy. I'll call it leo. U know after leonardo dicaprio. But you could always call it Neil after it's dad
Elliana: Oh, shut up.
Sophia: Nah, I'm only trying to be helpful anyways. What do you think about Little Mix, do you think that they are going to split up?
Elliana: I dunno I hope not.

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