Chapter 29: Stress about the play

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Elliana's pov: The next day I met up with Sophia in the café and she was stressing about the play.
Sophia: I wish I never went up for the play. Cause I mean when you see all of these acts on the tv you actually forget that they have to learn all of the lines, Routines and the counts.
Elliana: Do you want me to go over it with you again?
Sophia: No thanks, I'm fed up with it already. My mind has gone on strike. I think I would rather be a stage manager like you. And my baby isn't helping as she keeps sitting on my bladder when I'm doing all of the movements.
Hayley: Stage manager, Ellie. What for?
Elliana: The play Grease.
Hayley: Grease! Oh I love the movie and the production of grease. I only went to see it about 14 times. Is this for school?
Elliana: Yeah, it's for the drama club.
Hayley: We'll if you want any help with costumes or anything then let me know. I'm happy to help.
Elliana: Really?! That's great. Thank you.
Hayley: Your school sounds dead cool. When I was your age we had Macbeth and all of those important ones. You little things.
Hayley's pov: Walks away and heads out back.
Sophia: Hey, what's up? I mean it's dead cool that you are getting some help ya.
Elliana: No it's not that.
Sophia: We'll what's up?
Elliana: School etc. My mum wants me to go and see about a special unit for when the babies are born. Do you recon it'll be alright, cause I mean I really don't wanna go.
Sophia: I dunno, but I haven't worked out that much yet as I'm not that far along.
Elliana: I mean will we still be friends and that if I go to a different school?
Sophia: Yeah of course we will.
Elliana: Good. Do you wanna come round to mine? We can go over it again if you want to?
Sophia: Nah, I think I better be going. I'll see ya later.
Elliana: Yep.
Elliana's Pov: I head home and get changed then I was waiting to go and get the bus to try and find some fabrics that I could use.
Hayley's pov: Sees Ellie at the bus stop.
Hayley: Hey Ellie, you off shopping?
Elliana: Yeah, I'm gonna go to town and get some materials for the costumes.
Hayley: Oh right. Well I have some spare time if you would like some help?
Elliana: It's okay, I'm alright thanks.
Hayley: Oh right.
Elliana: It's only because I said that I might meet one of my friends.
Hayley: It's fine I understand. Just remember anytime you wanna pop over I can help ya out.
Elliana: Thanks, that'll be great. As I don't know where to start.
Hayley: It can be a bit overwhelming doing something like this with all the costumes.
Elliana: But you always seem so organised.
Hayley: That's pretty much what it's all about really, with the organisation and the planning as it's a lot of hard work but it'll definitely be worth it in the end.
Elliana: Really?
Hayley: Yes, really. I know it might not feel as important as all the other jobs. But honestly when you see the curtains go up and you see those costumes that you have made yourself. You'll go I did that with every stitch, hem and button. It's really an improving job to do. Cause you'll see it go I did that.
Elliana's pov: I get everything I need and I invited Hayley round to see the script for all the costumes we need etc.
Hayley: How many people are in this play? Talk about casting a thousands.
Yolanda: You'll be an excellent seamstress by the time you get through that lot.
Elliana: What me? I've never sewn anything in my life.
Hayley: Dead right, I'm not doing all of this alone.
Elliana: Quick question: how do you sew an outfit? As I've never sewn anything in my life.
Hayley: I'll teach ya. As it's a good skill to know as you never know where it'll come in handy.
Elliana: For like getting my waist bands out.
Hayley: Earning yourself a living for one thing. And I bet that you would love to see your babies dressed in something that you have made yourself. Cause you would. I mean I would.
Elliana: Yeah. But as long as we don't do pink for a girl and blue for a boy.
Hayley: That's all old fashioned. Once we've done this I'll show ya how.
Elliana: Thanks.
Hayley: Right, let's get started.
Elliana: Okay I'll clear this table.
Elliana's pov: I clear up the table while Hayley has a coffee.
Hayley's pov: Having a coffee with Yolanda quickly.
Yolanda: Hey thanks for coming round. You know that's the first time that I've ever heard her talk about those babies of hers like that.
Hayley: Well I got excited about it so maybe she thought she should as well. Hey I'm up for anything. You know, shopping trips, decorating.
Yolanda: Yeah.
Hunter's pov: Comes home from work and places my stuff down.
Hunter: Heyyy and hey Hayley.
Yolanda: Hiya. You alright?
Hunter: Yeah and Is there enough hot water for a bath I'm shattered.
Yolanda: Yeah I'm sure there is. Did you have another rough day?
Hunter: Yeah. What other kind is there?
Hunter's pov: Heads upstairs to the bathroom.
Yolanda: I'll put your tea on.
Elliana's pov: After Hayley left we all went to bed and then the next morning I was looking through some pictures that I could use for the costumes in the café.
Hayley: Morning.
Elliana: Hiya.
Hayley: You okay?
Elliana: Yep, I'm fine.
Hayley: You don't sound it.
Elliana: Well I'm not feeling too good as it happens.
Hayley: Oh right. That's probably how it takes you then is it?
Elliana: Yeah.
Hayley: Anyways I have some great ideas for Sophia's costume if you wanna go through it around about one.
Elliana: Yeah, sure.
Elliana's pov: I headed back home then went to meet Hayley. She had some good ideas for the costumes.
Hayley's pov: I drew up a design sketch for the outfit.
Hayley: They had big flowy skirts in those times. Which is great for dancing in. You've lost all interest in this haven't ya?
Elliana: A little.
Hayley: Are you still feeling left out at school? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
Elliana: Yeah. But it just gets worse.
Hayley: What about Sophia? I thought she was your friend.
Elliana: Yeah, she is. But at rehearsals she spends all of her time with the others. That's the thing with this stage management they all look down on ya.
Hayley: You Don't think it has anything to do with you being pregnant.
Elliana: Possibly.
Hayley: Cause that'll separate you away from people if they don't like the idea.
Elliana: Yeah maybe. I gotta go see ya later.
Elliana's Pov: I went back home and went to bed then the next day I had the hospital appointment which went really well. Both babies are happy and healthy. Then I decided to go to the café which is when I ran into Hayley.
Hayley: You're not at school today?
Elliana: No, I went to the hospital for another scan.
Hayley: Was everything okay?
Elliana: Yeah. You can have a look if you like.
Elliana's Pov: Hands her the photo.
Hayley: Can I?
Elliana: Yeah.
Hayley: Awe wow. It really is like two little people isn't it.
Elliana: Yeah.
Hayley: Aw, it's so cute.
Elliana: Yep and it scares me to death.
Hayley: I could imagine.
Elliana: We'll see ya later.

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