Chapter 30: The pregnancy book

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Elliana's Pov: I went home for a little bit. Then I went back to the café as Sophia said she'll meet me but she didn't show.
Hayley: Hey you okay you still little down?
Elliana: I'm alright though. It's just Sophia said she'll meet me in here but she hasn't turned up.
Hayley: Can't you go round to her house?
Elliana: Nah, her mum doesn't really like me going round. It's the first time they've let Sophia back into the house since she told them the big news so I don't wanna make it worse for her.
Hayley: Ahh, I see. Also I brought this for you the other day.
Hayley's Pov: Hands her the present I got for her.
Elliana: What is it?
Hayley: It's just a book about having a baby. I thought it would help you to understand a few things. As you were saying you keep getting pains etc.
Elliana: Thank you so much. But I do get things like this from the clinic. I get a new one every time I go.
Hayley: This one is meant to be very straight forward unlike the ones you get from the clinics.
Elliana: Is it written for kids?
Hayley: I suppose so but I don't know.
Elliana: Thanks I'll have a look at it. But...
Hayley: Yeah I know.
Elliana: I would rather read a magazine.
Hayley: It's okay. I'll see you later.
Elliana's Pov: The next day when mum was doing her shift I was just sitting reading the book Hayley got me before I went to school.
Hunter: How has Ellie been since she's been sitting in here with you?
Yolanda: She hasn't said much. She's just been sitting there reading.
Hunter: Is it school work?
Yolanda: I dunno.
Lev's pov: We were eating a sandwich for dinner when my dad's phone started to go off, so I answered it.
Lev: Hello? Hello?
Hunter: Who is it?
Lev: Some women.
Hunter's pov: Takes my phone off him. And it was my work mate.
Lev: Mum, can I have a slice of lemon drizzle cake please?
Yolanda: Yes of course.
Yolanda's pov: Passes him a slice of lemon drizzle cake.
Lev: Thanks. 
Lev's pov: Walks away and then goes back to the table where I was sitting and started to do some homework at the same time as eating my cake. Which by the way was incredibly delicious.
Yolanda's pov: After Hunter leaves back for work I went up to Ellie.
Yolanda: So...What's your book about?
Elliana's pov: Keeps reading my book.
Elliana: It's about having a baby. Hayley gave me it.
Yolanda: You've had your nose in it for a long time.
Elliana: Yeah well I like the pictures.
Yolanda: You didn't read the book I gave ya.
Elliana: Yeah but that one was rubbish and hard to understand. But this one is really good and the diagrams make way more sense.
Yolanda: Well then if there's anything you don't understand you can always ask me.
Elliana: Yep, I know I can.
Yolanda: Or Hunter. I mean between the pair of us we are pretty clued up.
Elliana: Yeah, I know.
Yolanda: You know, it's very nice of Hayley to take an interest but...
Elliana: But what?
Yolanda: Well...she can't have children of her own and I don't want it...
Elliana: Too what? Also I don't really see a problem with Hayley giving me a gift. And I don't mind her doing so. It's not like I asked for it, you know.
Yolanda: Nothing. And no there isn't a problem with it.
Elliana's pov: I went home for a little bit but when I've finish the book I went back to the café to give Hayley back the book.
Elliana: Hey mum is Hayley back from work yet?
Yolanda: No she isn't, she popped out for a little bit. She should be back soon though.
Elliana: Oh okay, I just wanted to give her the book back.
Yolanda: You've finished it?
Elliana: Yeah.
Yolanda: Now you know what there is to know, for the time being.
Elliana: Yep I'll find out soon enough.
Yolanda: You know, if you're worried about anything...
Elliana: Like what?
Yolanda: Well... Labour, the birth and the pain.
Elliana: Well it's all in here.
Yolanda: Well I'm sure that I can tell you so much better than a book.
Hayley's pov: Walks into the café, after the errands that I have been doing.
Elliana: Oh, here she is. Hayley, thank you so much for the book. It was really good.
Hayley: Oh, the lady in the book shop said it was the best and all of the latest information.
Elliana: Yep and it tells you not to listen to scary stories about birth and pregnancies.
Hayley: Oh yeah, never do that as all new mothers already have enough to worry about.
Elliana: Yeah, well I still wish I wasn't having them.
Hayley: It's always the way. Cause girls your age don't really want babies and any other mother would love to have one.
Elliana: Yeah, anyways thank you.
Elliana's pov: Hands her the book.
Hayley: No, No. You keep it. I brought it for you.
Elliana: Are you sure? It's kinda expensive.
Hayley: Oh it doesn't matter.
Elliana: Are you sure?
Hayley: Yes, Of course I'm sure.
Elliana: Well, thank you. See you later.
Elliana's pov: Heads back home.
Yolanda: That was very kind of you Hayley.
Hayley's pov: Walks put back and puts everything away.

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