Chapter 27: The wicked trick

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Elliana's pov: The morning I woke up later than usual but it's okay as it's the weekend still. I got ready for the day and went downstairs to watch some tv. Then my mum came home from work and found a card that was left for me.
Yolanda's pov: Walks in with the shopping and hands a card to Ellie.
Yolanda: Somebody's left a card for you.
Elliana: Ahh I see.
Elliana's pov: Opens the card.
Yolanda: What is it?
Elliana: It's some Mother's Day card.
Yolanda: For you? Who is it from?
Elliana: It doesn't say.
Yolanda: That's such a nasty trick to play on someone.
Elliana: It could be that Ella from school.
Yolanda: Is it her hand writing?
Elliana's pov: Stays quiet.
Yolanda: Well this is going to go in the bin, where it belongs. Just please don't let it upset you alright.
Elliana: I'm not.
Yolanda: Nobody that has a shred of decency would do a thing like that. Because it's literally flat out nasty, cruel and vicious. I also bet that her mum doesn't even know that she's done it. Just ignore it I would.
Elliana's pov: Gets up and heads upstairs.
Elliana: Look I'm not upset okay.
Yolanda's pov: I Give her time to calm down and then I head upstairs to try and talk to her.
Yolanda: Look I'm sorry if I made things worse this morning. By going on at you the way I did.
Elliana: It's okay.
Yolanda: How are you feeling?
Elliana: Well I'm not gonna let that cow get to me that's for sure.
Yolanda: Good for you. As Mother's Day is normally a nice thing. You'll be very glad of it this time next year.
Elliana: Oh please don't say that.
Yolanda: Well just you wait. Because looking after a baby is a full time job, let alone two babies. And it won't just stop there. And you never really get a good shot/picture of your kids, until they decide to leave home. You're starting to think I'm joking don't ya?
Elliana: No! It's just not gonna be that bad for me is it?
Yolanda: Well, what's different about you? Plus I don't know how it will be since I haven't had twins before.
Elliana: Well you'll be doing most of it won't ya?

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