Orphaned - 2

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Despite what had happened to Meredith the last time, Parrish still let us come with him to Eichen House to speak to Meredith. The other Banshee. And things were going well, till we saw one of the Eichen house workers, the same guy that almost tased Meredith the last time in school. 

“Oh, no.” Stiles muttered aggravatedly when he began to approach. “Not this guy.” 

“What the hell are we running here, a bed and breakfast?” The man demanded to know as he pushed between us and snatched the keys from the worker. “We do not just open the door for anyone with a badge!” He scolded the other worker who seemed annoyed. 

“We need to talk to Meredith Walker.” Parrish tells him. “It involves a murder investigation.” 

“Well, you and the brunette can talk to her all you want,” The man said, referring to me as the brunette. He points at Stiles and Lydia. “But these two? Especially that one? They're outta here.” 

Well that's just rude. 

“They're crucial witnesses in an ongoing investigation. I wouldn't have brought them if it wasn't absolutely... crucial.” 

He gets all up in his face. “Okay, Deputy. How about you come back with a court order, then I'll listen.” He looked at Stiles, taking a step closer. “As for you, Mr. Stilinski... How about you come back with payment in full? That's right-- Daddy may be the Sheriff, but he's late on the bills." I scowl grew on my face, who the hell does this guy think he is?

"I guess those government jobs aren't as reliable as they used to be, huh?” 

“But they do help when you need a favor.” Parrish cut in. “Like, how, a month ago, Canaan P.D. helped you get home after blowing 0.1 on a breathalyzer.” 

Stiles was amused, and he didn't try hard to hide it from the guy. “All right.” He said embarrassed. “I'm not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all." 

He hands the keys to Stiles and turns to leave, and Lydia and I give him the middle finger behind his back. Stiles was grinning from ear to ear at Parrish. 

“You! You. I like you." He praised Parrish as he handed him the keys. "I'm gonna keep you.” 

I chuckled, taking Stiles' arm and following after Lydia and Parrish. The guy, Brunswick, had led us to Meredith's room. It was very bland, which I guess made sense since they weren't allowed to keep stuff that they could use to harm themselves. 

"I can't help you." Is the first thing Meredith says when Lydia asks her the question. 

“Meredith, what do you mean, you can't tell us?” Lydia said impatiently as we sat on the bed across from Meredith. 

“We just need the third key.” I pleaded with her. If we don't get that key, who knows how many more people could die. 

Stiles nodded and tried to compromise. “You can give it to us in numbers, letters, hieroglyphs. Whatever you want.” 

Meredith shakes her head timidly. “I can't.” 

“Then why did you give us the second key?” Lydia questioned. 

“I wanted to help.” Meredith said. “That's what I want to do-- I want to help.” 

“Great!” I clapped my hands and looked at her. “So help us now. Okay? Give us the third cipher key.” 

“Things have changed.” Meredith explained. “I... I can't.” 

“Why not?” Stiles asked. “Guys,” Parrish called to us from his spot on the wall. “Go easy on her.” 

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