one - welcome

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*Luke's POV*

I trailed behind Michael as we lugged our suitcases onto the tour bus, throwing them into a pile in the back of the bus.

"Can we get food now?" Calum groaned, looking at our tour manager, Alice.

She shook her head, "You guys need to meet my daughter. She's going to be your real tour manager and I'll be working mainly with the 1D boys."

Ashton groaned and fell back onto a bunk on the bottom level, "But I'm hungry."

"We all are," Alice said, "but just meet her and then you all can get food wherever you want by yourselves and then go to bed."

Ashton's head shot up, "Is she staying with us?"

Alice nodded, "There's no room on the other tour bus with all of your staff so she's staying here with you boys. And Luke, she'll be attending tutoring from your mom with you."

I groaned and sat on the bunk bunk across from Ashton on the upper level. She was probably going to be an annoying snob. Being an only child that got to travel the world since she was a toddler, how could she not be spoiled? I was dreading this. I know this was supposed to be a wonderful experience, being on tour and everything, but I had a feeling she would ruin this.

Alice sighed as her phone vibrated, "Okay, she'll be here in a minute, but I need to go to the other bus. Goodnight boys."

We all waved tiredly as she climbed off the tour bus.

"Why do I feel like this girl is going to ruin the tour?" I groaned, glancing over at the open door, waiting for this girl to show up.

"Because we're not used to sharing the tour bus with anyone," Michael said, sitting up from the bunk above Ashton and looking at me.

"Well, we haven't met her yet so we can't judge," Calum reasoned from the upper bunk next to Michael, "Just give her a chance."

I looked over at the door leading to the tour bus as I heard footsteps and we all quieted down. A short girl with long brown hair pulled to the side in a messy braid stepped into the bus. She had light brown eyes and light freckles on her makeup free skin, besides a small bit of mascara. She was beautiful. She had a suitcase behind her and a slouch purse on her shoulder.

Calum was the first to greet her, standing up and shaking her hand, "Hi, I'm Calum."

She smiled sweetly, exposing two deep dimples in both cheeks, "Dalaiah."

Michael smiled and waved awkwardly at her, "Michael."

Ashton grinned at her and ran a hand through his messy hair, "Ashton."

She smiled quietly again and then looked at me, locking our eyes together. "Uh, Luke," I stuttered stupidly. Way to sound like an idiot in front of her.

She smiled and turned around, quickly closing the tour bus door. "Um, which bunk should I take?" she asked quietly, nervously tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"The one below Luke is open," Ashton said, pointing at the space below my feet. She nodded and awkwardly walked over to where I stood.

"And you can put your suitcase over here," Ashton said, standing up and grabbing her suitcase. He rolled it to the bunk below Calum, the bunk that we used for storage.

We had six bunks in the entire bus, four on one side and two on the other. There was an upper bunk and a lower bunk in each set. The wall with the two bunks - the wall Dalaiah and I were on - had the bathroom on it, taking up the empty spaces from where the bunks would fit. Since there were five of us, we could use the last bunk to store our bags.

"So, where do we want to go eat?" Michael said, "Panda?"

"Do they even have a Panda Express here?" Calum said.

I rolled my eyes and slid out from my bunk. Standing next to Dalaiah made me feel like a giant when I realized she was at least two inches below my shoulder. I smiled and looked up at the boys, "It's New York city, they have everything."

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