twenty-nine - princess

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"God, I'm so nervous," Calum muttered to himself, pacing back and forth across the dressing room.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked him. His head snapped up like a deer in a headlight, not thinking anyone had heard him.

"Annabelle is coming out here," he said, "her and Maggie and Maddie. They're front row."

"You're worried about one girl in the entire crowd?"

He shook his head, then shrugged, "Well kind of... But I'm more worried about after the show."


"I'm asking her out finally."

I grinned and patted the seat next to me. He sat down and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up. I pulled his hands away and quickly fixed his thick nearly-black hair. "You have no need to be nervous," I laughed. "For starters, you're extremely hot and no girl in her right mind would think different. Second, you're incredibly sweet and are really caring and nice to everyone, even though you get sassy sometimes." He laughed slightly, blushing a bit. "Third, you are one of the funniest people I've met and I'm glad to call you one of my best friends."

"I'm glad I can call you my best friend, too," he smiled, slinging his arm around me, "because you give the best advice and good pep talks."

I laughed and kissed his cheek quickly, "Okay, now go get ready so you can wow this girl you're getting all worried about."


"Dalaiah!" Calum screamed, running back stage and jumping on me, bringing us both to the ground, "She said yes!" I giggled as I looked behind him, seeing Annabelle walk in behind him with a blush as she heard how excited Calum got.

He quickly rolled off of me and pulled me up, pushing me in her direction, "Hi."

She smiled down at me, considering she was a bit tall. "Hi. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Same. It's been, what, a month?"

She nodded with a smile, "Well it was nice to see you again."

"You, too. I'll leave you guys be. I'm gonna go find Luke."

"He's by the stage curtains," Calum answered,"Thanks, Cal!" I smiled, walking backwards slowly, "Bye, Annabelle. I'll see you soon, hopefully!"

She waved goodbye. I turned on my heel and walked out of the room and down a short hallway where Luke stood by the curtains that led to the stage, talking on his phone. "Okay, mate," he smiled, "I'll text you the details. See you tomorrow."

He hung up just as I stepped in front of him. "Hey," he grinned, looping his arms behind my back.

"Hey," I smiled back. "Who was that?"

"A friend of mine. I'm hooking him up with tickets to tomorrow's concert. It's his girlfriend's birthday and she loves One Direction, so..."

"I see," I laughed. "Are Ash and Mike off with their princesses?"

"Well, I see one knight in shining armor coming this way right now with his princess," he laughed, looking behind me. I turned around and saw Ash and Maddie walking into the room, his arm around her shoulder.

"Aww," I said loudly, pulling both of their eyes to me as they blushed. "You guys are so cute!"Ashton laughed nervously and Maddie blushed nervously, fiddling with her hair.

"Will you guys shut up?" Ashton smiled. "You're making things awkward."

"Kiss," Luke whispered, "Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." Each time he said it louder, almost like a chant.

Ashton looked over at Maddie and locked his hand behind her head, pulling her closer to him and pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. "Aww," Luke and I both said. Ashton playfully - or maybe it wasn't - glared at us.

"Okay, okay, we'll leave you be you grumpy ass," I smiled, grabbing Luke's hand. "Bye Maddie!" I yelled as we left the room. "So, where's our other knight in shining armor?" I asked Luke.

"He's with his princess eating food in the 'dining room'." He used his fingers to make quotes on 'dining room', seeing as it was just an ordinary room with a retractable, white plastic table set-up as a buffet with table and chairs in it to eat. It looked more like a dinner room you'd see at a high school banquet event in the gym. I dragged Luke down the hallway excitedly, wanting to see what all our little - well not exactly little - boys looked like with their girlfriends. I wondered how different they would be compared to when they're with the boys and me.

"Be quiet," I whispered to Luke, peeking my head through the doors. Michael sat in a chair next to Maggie, food on both their plates. His hand stayed around her shoulders for a long time as the both ate. She was telling him a story about something. He stared at her the entire time. And if I know Michael as well as I think I know him, he's not staring at her just to show he's paying attention, but he's staring at her to admire her and study her face, remembering all the little details. Luke did that to me once. We were laying on the couch and he just stared at me. He studied every detail of my face. How my left eyelashes are longer than my right. How I have a few faded freckles along the bridge of my nose. He told me every new discovery he made as he made them, a loopy grin on his face; the same look Michael has on now. "Hey, guys," I giggled, slipping into the room.

"Hey," Michael smiled, looking up at us, "What's up?"

"Just coming to say hi," I smiled, sitting next to Michael, "I haven't seen Maggie in a while."

"Haven't seen you guys either," she grinned. "It's been a long time."

"But now you're here and you guys can cuddle and be all cute and stuff," I giggled. "And if Mikey ever gets out of hand you can just hit him."

She giggled and looked over at him with a smile, "He can get pretty sassy sometimes."

"As long as he doesn't get sassy with you, we're fine," Luke laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"That's when you can hit him," I giggled.

"I'll keep that in mind," she smiled, sending a small wink towards Michael.

"Okay, we'll you guys alone now, too," I smiled.

"Too?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow as he placed a grape in his mouth.

"We've been going around to see all you boys," Luke explained.

"But we're leaving now," I said, standing up and kissing Michael's cheek and hugging him tightly. "Make good choices, okay?"

"You sound like a mum."

I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair, smiling at Maggie, "It was nice to see you. Good luck with Michael." She smiled sweetly at me. All these girls were so sweet. "It was nice seeing you, too. Good luck with Luke," she teased.

I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist, "I don't have too many problems with him."

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