eight - sick

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Calum never came back into Luke's room but I heard him go back to into our room and talk to Ashton. Luke and I lay like that for nearly a half hour until Michael came back. He smirked when he saw us and I blushed furiously.

"What are you two doing?" he teased.

Luke chuckled softly and looked down at me, "I'll explain later." I assumed he meant about my dad.

"Well get up. We're going out to play some soccer and eat pizza."

I smiled and pulled myself from Luke tiredly, "Are we leaving right now?"

Michael nodded, "You might want to grab a coat."

I smiled and walked over to the door connecting our room to Luke's, opening it and walking through. Ashton's head snapped up and he smiled at me. "Did Calum tell you?" I instantly asked him. In Luke's room, I could already hear him telling Michael what happened. Ashton nodded as I grabbed my coat.

"I'm really sorry," Ashton said, standing up and pulling my small body into a hug, whispering into my ear, "I want to talk to you tonight. In private." I nodded and he pulled back, flashing me a smile.


"Is now a good time to talk?" Ashton whispered as we leaned against a large rock at a small local park where the other boys all picked up a game of soccer while we waited for Liz and my mom to bring us pizza.

I looked over at him and nodded, "Yeah, of course."

He smiled sadly, "So, I know Calum said you talked about killing yourself..." I nodded, looking down sadly. "And you meant it?" he asked. I nodded again. "Have you ever tried to kill yourself?" he whispered.

I took in a shaky breath and nodded, "I tried to bleed myself to death."

"Where?" he asked, "I mean, where did you cut?"

"A lot of places," I whispered, "practically my entire body."

"Look, Dalaiah, I know we're only friends and I respect that and I don't want to intrude on your personal space, but could you show me? When we get back to the hotel?"

My stomach practically flipped in my stomach as the nerves set in and I could feel myself becoming nauseous, but I nodded hesitantly, "Yeah. I will."

"Calum! Look out!" Michael screamed. Ashton and I looked up in time to see Calum knock down a girl right next to us.

"Shit are you okay?" Calum said, rolling off of her and kneeling next to her. Her eyes were squinted shut in pain and she was clutching her side.

"I'll be fine," she whispered. Calum shook his head, placing a hand on her back and slowly propping her up against the rock next to me.

"What's your name?" he asked her as Luke and Michael ran up behind him.

"Annabelle," she whispered shyly, opening her gray tinted blue eyes.

"I'm Calum," he smiled, "why don't you sit with us for a little and recover?"

She nodded and looked up at the five of us. "You're 5 Seconds of Summer?" she asked quietly. It was then that we could all hear her Australian accent.

Luke smiled and crouched down, "You know us?"

"My sister loves you guys," she laughed, "Especially Michael."

Michael blushed as he crouched down, "You're Australian?"

She nodded, "We're visiting my mum. She lives here."

"Well I'm sorry for knocking you down," Calum apologized, "is there anyway I could make it up to you?"

It was at that moment that I began to feel my stomach getting nauseous and the contents from the food I ate earlier began to rise up. I quickly stood up and pushed through the boys, running over to the closest tree and hiding behind it, pulling my hair to the side and emptying my stomach. I was only alone a few seconds before someone pulled my hair behind me and placed a hand on my back. "You okay now?" Luke asked. I shook my head and leaned over one last time, letting the thick and foul smelling substance escape my stomach.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" he whispered, pulling me back into his chest.

I shook my head, "You guys have a pizza coming. I'll be fine."

He smiled softly, "No they can all stay here and eat it. I'm not even that hungry and I can take you back to the room."

I sighed, but agreed.

"Guys," Luke said, pulling me behind him to the other boys and Annabelle, "we're gonna leave now."

"Did you get sick?" Ashton asked. I nodded tiredly, leaning into Luke's side.

"Dalaiah and I are going to the hotel room and she's going to get some sleep," Luke said.

"Just tell our moms what happened and that I'm fine. I don't want her to worry," I said

."That's fine, Annabelle is actually going to be joining us for pizza," Calum smirked.

"And her older sister," Michael piped in happily, "the one who likes me."

"Maggie," Annabelle said.

"Maggie," Michael repeated happily.

"But seriously, feel better," Calum said.

I smiled quietly to show my thanks and began to walk away with Luke as he kept his arm around my shoulders. "Do you want to walk or take a cab?" Luke asked, looking at me, "You know what, nevermind. We're taking a cab." It only took Luke a couple minutes to hail the taxi. He opened the door for me and I slid into the back seat. He slipped in next to me and gave the driver the name of our hotel. I tiredly leaned into Luke's shoulder, already beginning to fall asleep. "Man, you're tired," he whispered, wrapping an arm around me.

"This always happens when I get sick," I mumbled, "ever since I was young. I just instantly get extremely tired."

He smiled softly and kissed the top of my head, "We'll get you to the hotel and get you to bed."

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