twenty-two - family

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"So, are you excited to be in Australia?" my mom asked me.I nodded excitedly, looking down at Luke who had fallen asleep on the bus, "Yeah. I get to meet the rest of his family tonight. I'm going there for dinner."

"I know," she smiled, "Liz invited me but I don't know if I'll go."

"Why not?" I asked, "you can meet his dad and brothers."

She smiled, "The girl should always meet her boyfriend's parents by herself. I can meet them later."


"Hi, mum," Luke grinned, hugging his mom in the doorway. Liz had gone straight home. She didn't continue to tour with One Direction, seeing as there was no need to. My mom came back to LA before we all flew to Australia together. The boys had nearly two weeks before the Australian and New Zealand tour started.

"Hi, Luke," she smiled before looking over at me. 

"Your hair... You dyed it."

I nodded, looking down at the pink hair Michael had picked out for me. It was an ombre, the top of my hair a very light pink shade, it was basically blond, just mixed with a pastel pink. Then it slowly faded into a deep, vibrant pink.

"Well, I love it. It looks amazing! And I'm so glad you could come." She ushered us into Luke's house and I looked around. There were a few pictures of Luke and his brothers as a toddler and a lot of pictures of them now. His house was neatly decorated. A black dog ran into the room and jumped on Luke, causing him to smile, "Hey, Molly." Luke glanced over at me, "This is my dog, Molly."

I giggled and pet the big dog's head, "I assumed that."

"C'mon you two," Liz said, "dinner's ready."

Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me into the kitchen.

Two older boys sat at the table along with who I'm assuming was Luke's dad. "Eh, Dalaiah, this is my family," Luke said. I blushed nervously and gave them a simple smile. I wasn't too good at meeting new people.

"Well introduce us," one of the boys laughed.

"This is Ben and this is Jack," he said, pointing at his two brothers. I shook both of their hands politely, "and this is my dad." I looked over at Luke's dad and smiled at him as he stood up, shaking my hand. 

"It's nice to meet you," he said, "just call me Andrew."

I smiled quietly at him as Liz walked into the room with two oven mitts gripping a hot pan with lasagna in it. She sat it down in the middle of the table. Luke pulled out my chair for me and I took a seat, letting him push the chair back in. Luke took his seat next to me and we began to eat.


"Here you go," Liz smiled, handing me a mug of warm tea as we sat on the couch in their basement, watching Luke wrestle against his brothers, his dad playing referee.

"Thanks," I smiled, readjusting the blanket over my cold body. 

"So, I called your mum," she said, "I know you guys are staying in a hotel and I invited you both to stay here for the next two weeks. Your mum said yes as long as you agreed."

I looked over at her and smiled, "We won't be in the way, right?"

She shook her head, "We turned Jack and Ben's rooms into guest rooms once they moved out. Of course, you'll probably stay with Luke."

"Well, then I'd love to. Thank you so much."

She smiled at me and then looked down at my goosebump covered skin, "Are you cold?"

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