twenty-three - tests

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"Are you still feeling sick, sweetie?" Liz asked, placing a hand to my forehead, "I heard you throw up last night."

"It's probably just my traveling sickness. I get it a lot."

"Yeah, but never this bad," my mom said. "Maybe you caught something."

Liz looked down, thoughts running through her mind.

"Dalaiah, I want to ask you something personal, okay?" I nodded, taking small sips from my tea. "Are you and Luke having sex?"

I blushed a deep red. My mom looked at me, awaiting my answer. "Um, yeah. We are."

"Safe sex?" my mom asked quickly, probably thinking of her mistake of falling pregnant at 16.

"Yes. Safe sex," I answered."Well, it's never 100% safe. Do you think you could've gotten pregnant?"

I looked down with a paled face. Pregnant? Luke and I had only been dating about 5 months now. I couldn't even imagine being pregnant at this age and stage in our relationship.

"I don't think so," I said.

"When was the last time you guys had sex?" Liz asked me curiously. As awkward and embarrassing as a talk this was, I didn't hold back any information. I had no reason to.

"A few days ago," I admitted with a blush.

"Sweetie, I'm not saying you are pregnant. It's extremely unlikely, but there is a possibility," Liz said.

"I'd like you to take a pregnancy test," my mom said, "just to be sure."


"How long do I have to wait now?" I asked my mom.

"About 15, 20 minutes," she smiled nervously.

"You did multiple tests, right?" Liz asked.

I nodded, "Four."

My mom had gone out a picked up a box quickly, bringing them back for me.

"Good," my mom said, "you know, before I knew I was pregnant with you I took a test and it came back as negative. So I went out drinking that night. Got absolutely hammered. A few days later I missed my period, took the test again and it was positive. It's always good to do multiple in case one is wrong."

"Is that why I'm dyslexic?" I asked.

She shrugged, "The doctors told me that's probably why but it could also have just happened. There's really no way to tell if the alcohol did anything."

"Well, I guess I'm normal enough we can assume it didn't do anything too bad," I laughed.

My mom smiled and we all fell back into a silence, sitting in Liz's bedroom outside the bathroom.


"It's been twenty minutes," Liz said.

"Can one of you guys check?" I asked nervously, "I don't think I can."

My mom stood up and walked through the open door of the bathroom, looking at the sticks.

"Mum?" Luke's loud voice called from downstairs. He had gone out for a run but he was back sooner than we had thought.

"I'll be down in a second!" Liz yelled back, looking anxiously at my mom for the answer.

"Three negative," she said.

"Three? What about the other one?" I asked, standing up and running into the bathroom.


"It doesn't mean anything," Liz assured me, "It's just a failed test."

"We don't know that for sure," I said nervously.

"When is your period supposed to start?" my mom whispered as we heard Luke's footsteps come up the stairs.

"A week-ish," I shrugged, "I'm not exactly sure.

""We'll know for sure then, okay? Until then, just don't do what I did and drink."

I nodded and looked over at Liz, "Thanks for letting me use your room."

"No problem. Now go see Luke before he gets suspicious."

I smiled at her and ran out of the room, running into Luke.

"Hey," he grinned, catching me by the arms and smiling down at me, "Why were you in my mum's room?"

"Oh, she was showing us something," I quickly lied. "How was your run?"

"Good," he laughed, wiping a dribble of sweat from his forehead, "it's nice out. I was thinking we could go to the beach later?"

I smiled and leaned up to peck his lips as both of our mums walked out of the room, "I'd love to."

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