thirty - tutor

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"This has been an amazing experience," I whispered, nuzzling my face into Luke's neck, making him giggle slightly under his breath as I unknowingly tickled his neck. We were in the back of the bus cuddling before we went to bed.

"What has? The traveling?"

"All of it. I got to meet you, which has been the best thing in my life so far. I got rid of my dad for good, which felt amazing. I met the other boys and they've helped me through so much in life. I've just learned so much. Not even like school stuff... I mean I've learned who I am and why I'm that way. I know it sounds crazy, but..."

"No I know what you mean," he smiled, running his hand through my hair. 

"You boys are like my tutor. You've all taught me so much in life and I don't know what kind of person I'd be if it weren't for you guys."

"What have we tutored you in, exactly?"

"We'll start with Ashton," I said. "He taught me how to deal with my emotions and feelings. He taught me how to be more comfortable with sharing these things with other people."

"Mikey?" he whispered.

"He taught me to just to be myself. I learned to just be myself and be more comfortable with who I am. He taught me to never be ashamed of what I feel or think because it's apart of me."


"He taught me that I should just be grateful for what I have. He told me that what happened to me in the past happened for a reason and what happened shaped me to be the person I am today."

"And me?"

"You taught me the most of all. Besides helping me with math, you taught me to be okay with the things that are wrong with me. You taught me what it's like to feel loved and appreciated. You taught me that I should be happy the way I am. You taught me how to love. You taught me how to be a better person. You taught me that I need to stand up for myself."

He looked over at me, his blue oceanic eyes piercing into mine. "I love you."

"I love you," I repeated, bringing my hand up and tracing the outline of his face gently. "You're my tutor," I smiled, "I'd be lost without you."

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