fourteen - swimming

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*Dalaiah's POV*

Luke and I lay side by side on his bed. Not kissing or cuddling or talking. Our arms brushed against each other but nothing more. The door knob sounded as it opened and Ashton slipped into the room followed by Calum and Michael.

"I'm assuming you guys made up," Ashton laughed, sitting on the end of the bed. Michael sat next to my legs and Calum sat down on the end of the bed next to Ashton. We both nodded with a loopy smile on our face.

"Are you guys dating now?" Ashton smirked.

Luke nodded, "Yeah."

Calum smiled, "Nice, mate."

Luke blushed and sat up in the bed, "What time do we have to leave?"

"Not until 4," I said, "and it's not even noon now."

"Want to head up to the pool?" Michael suggested. 

Ashton and I exchanged glances but didn't say anything. "That sounds good. We'll meet you guys in the hall," Calum said, hopping off the bed. Michael followed him over to the door connecting our rooms and they slipped into the other room.

"I'm gonna go change," Luke said, getting up and going over to his suitcase. He pulled out a pair of swim trunks and walked to the bathroom.

"What should I do?" I asked Ashton the second the bathroom door closed, "I can't go swim. Not with the scars. Besides I don't even own a swim suit."

"Just say you don't have a swimming suit and go to to the pool with us. Just put on some shorts and a tank top."

"I can't wear shorts either," I said, "My legs."

Ashton sighed and quickly glanced behind him, "Let me see your legs again." 

I slipped my pajama pants down to my knees and showed him the scars."They're not that bad," he whispered, "the boys aren't going to notice them. The ones that are further down are more faded so when you put your shorts on the more visible ones will be covered." I nodded, standing up and pulling my pants back on. "If you need to just put some foundation on them," he said. I nodded as Luke walked into the room and smiled at me. I caught myself staring at his bare chest.

"You can go change," Ashton said, waving me off to the bathroom. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a black tank top out of my suitcase, also grabbing my compact foundation and brush. I slipped into the bathroom and pulled on my clothes. The more I looked at my legs, the more I realized it wasn't that bad. The majority of the scars were up close to my hips and covered. There were a few random ones down the rest of my legs but they weren't that deep. I brushed a little bit of foundation on my legs to cover up the few scars you could see before slipping out of the room. Ashton had already changed and was sitting on the bed.

"Are you not going to swim?" Luke asked me. 

I quickly shook my head, "No. I'm just going to tan a little."

He nodded and stood up, grabbing his phone. I grabbed my slouch purse that lay next to my suitcase, checking to make sure my pencils and sketch pad were in there. I grabbed my phone and followed the two boys out in the hallway where Calum and Michael were standing.The four shirtless boys and I walked down the hallway and to the elevator. I stood between Calum and Luke in the small elevator. We got to the first floor quickly and all filed out. 

"Are you not swimming?" Michael asked me quietly. I shook my head as we walked into the lobby. 

"Why not?"

"No reason," I shrugged, walking behind the boys as the went through the doors going to the outside pool. 

There weren't too many people there, considering it was a small hotel. Calum found us five empty lawn chairs all next to each other. I dropped my bag down on the middle chair. Luke sat on my left side and Michael on my right. Calum sat on the other side of Luke and Ashton on the other side of Michael.

"Dalaiah, can you put sunscreen on my back?" Luke asked me, handing me the bottle. I nodded shyly and squirted some of the cold lotion into my hand, placing my hand on Luke's back and massaging it into his skin, getting across his shoulders and waist."Thank you," he said, pulling the bottle from me, "Your turn."

I spun around on the chair and faced Michael as Luke quickly rubbed the lotion onto the part of my back not covered by sunscreen.

"Let's go swim," Ashton yelled, dragging Calum away and pulling them both into the pool. Luke gave me a sweet smile before running off to the pool.

"Aren't you going to swim?" I asked Michael.

He shook his head, "No not right now."

I pulled out my sketch pad and pencils from my bag, opening up to a drawing I had been working on for a while.

"That's really good," Michael commented, looking down at my realistic drawing of a baby elephant.

"Oh, thanks," I blushed, beginning the next part of the drawing.

"I wish I could draw," he said.

"Everyone can draw," I said.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean it looks good," he laughed.

I giggled and looked up at him, "So why aren't you swimming?"

He shrugged and looked down, "No reason."


"I asked you the same question and you said 'no reason' as well so don't call bullshit on me."


He sighed and glanced out at the three boys messing around in the water, "I'm just not as attractive as them. I feel like shit compared to them."

"Again, bullshit," I said, placing the book down and the turning to face him, "You are extremely attractive, Michael. You don't have any reason to feel insecure about yourself."

He smiled and blushed slightly, "Thanks."

"Now go swim."


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