twenty-four - brunch

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"Luke and I are going to the beach later," I told my mom, looking up at her as we sat on the couch with my head in her lap.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she whispered. "I mean, you haven't been feeling well lately. Why don't you two just stay in for the day?"

I shrugged, "Just because I don't feel good doesn't mean he should have to stay in with me and be bored. I mean, unless there's someone else he can go out with besides the boys. They're all with their families."

"I don't think it will be that big of a problem," Liz said from the other couch, "it's supposed to rain today anyhow."

"Luke said it was nice out," I said.

"Well, there's a reason Luke isn't a forecaster," she joked, causing my mom and I to giggle.

"Fine, I'll convince him to stay in," I said, standing off my feet and getting ready to head to his room. I walked through his house and over to the staircase, going up and finding his room. Without knocking, I stepped into the room, which was a bit of a mistake. Luke was naked, pulling on his boxers after he got out of the shower.

"Oh, hey," he laughed. I blushed and closed my eyes.

"Sorry," I giggled.

"No problem," he said, "You can look now."

I opened my eyes to see him with his underwear on.

"So, you know it's supposed to rain today, right?" I asked.

He cocked his head to the side as I sat on his bed, "It is?"

I nodded, "So, I was thinking maybe we could just stay in. Maybe just watch movies and stuff."

He shrugged, looking a bit down to the idea.

"Or we could do something else if you want to," I quickly said.

"Well I mean I'd like to get out of the house and you're the only person I can go with. But if you don't want to go, then..."

"No, it's fine," I shook my head, secretly dreading this but not having the heart to tell him, "I'll go out with you."

He gave me a small smile as I tucked a piece of hair nervously behind my ear. He gave me a weird look and crouched down in front of me, still only in his underwear."Is there something you want to talk about? You seem... I don't know... Upset? Distracted?"

I shook my head quickly again, "No, no. I promise. I'm fine. Just a bit tired from jet lag, that's all."

He nodded suspiciously, "Okay, well how about we head out soon and get an early lunch? I'll buy."

"It's called brunch," I laughed, "and yes, I'll go. Just give me a few minutes to get ready."

I was already wearing my clothes for the day, a simple All Time Low t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. I just needed to fix my makeup and I'd be fine. I did so in only two minutes. I slid my shoes on and followed Luke down the stairs.My mom sent me a look, probably wondering why we were leaving.

"We're gonna head out for brunch," Luke said, grabbing his wallet off the kitchen counter and shoving it into his back pocket.

"Okay," my mom sighed, looking at me sadly, "just be safe."

"Yeah and be back soon before the rain starts," Liz added.

Luke nodded and opened the front door for me, "We'll be back soon."

We stepped out and he closed the door behind us, "We're walking there. It's a little less than half a mile so not too bad."

I nodded and leaned into his side as we walked down the dirt road. Luke lived in what his dad had called "the Wastelands" in the middle of no where.

It was a short walk, a little under ten minutes. Luke held open the door for me and we stepped inside where a nice, old lady seated us, handing us both a menu. It was a small cafe that was mostly empty. I ordered a hot chocolate and Luke got coffee. He ordered a plate of two large pancakes with eggs and bacon. I got a small pancake with eggs and bacon. I barely ate half of the pancake and a few bites of the eggs.

"You not hungry?" Luke asked, shoveling food into his mouth as a bit of syrup dripped down his chin. I reached over and grabbed his napkin, wiping it off before setting it back down on the table.

"No, not really," I lied. The truth was, I was starved. But I didn't want to risk throwing up again. He nodded and looked up at me as I pushed the food around on my plate with my fork, thinking about the possibility of me being pregnant. It was a scary thought and it was stressing me out more than I could handle.

"Something wrong?" 

I shook my head and gave him a smile, "No. Just thinking."

"About what?"I

quickly came up with a lie, "About us. How lucky I am."

He smiled at me and continued to shovel food into his mouth.


"Mum? Do you know where Dalaiah is?" Luke's voice rang through my ears. I pulled the blanket over my cold body further, burying myself into the couch.

"The living room," she responded. I heard his footsteps grow closer and closer.

"Dalaiah?" he asked. I could feel him crouch down next to the couch and place a hand on my arm. He pulled the blanket off of my head and looked at me sadly. "What's wrong?"

"I still feel like shit," I muttered, clutching my aching stomach. He nodded and stood up, leaving the room silently. He came back a short minute later with a thermometer in hand. He placed the sensor against my forehead and pulled it back a few seconds later."39.2," he said.

My eyes widened in horror before I remember America used fahrenheit while Australia, and pretty much the rest of the world, used celsius.

"Luke, I'm from America. I don't know what that means."

He pulled out his phone and typed something into it, waiting a few seconds before reading out, "102.5."

I groaned and closed my eyes shut, "Great."

"Are you still cold?"

I nodded and he reached onto the back of the couch, pulling a thick blanket off and throwing it over my body.

"I'll let you sleep," he said, kissing my forehead. "Let me know if you need anything."

I nodded tiredly as he left the room.

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