nineteen - fight

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"Dalaiah," my mom whispered, shaking my shoulder, "I have some bad news."

Groggily, I opened my eyes. It had been two days since court. Yesterday was the last show of the tour, and also the best. But now, all the boys and I wanted to catch up on sleep. It was near 1 in the afternoon. Luke was awake next to me. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping in his room with him.

"What bad news?" I mumbled tiredly.

"Your father... I mean, Steven... he's here. I know we have a restraining order in place, but he went to the judge and asked to say goodbye to you one last time with his whole family before they go back home to Texas."

"Do I really have to see him?" I muttered, looking up at Luke who now had his eyes open and was listening intently.

"Yeah, you do," she whispered. "Luke, I would feel better if you went with her. I don't trust him."

"Sure thing," he smiled.

My mom kissed my forehead, "Just make sure you guys put on some clothes first."

"Mom, you make it sound like we had sex and we're completely naked." She giggles quietly.

"Okay, Luke, put on a shirt. Dalaiah, put on something more than a tank top."I looked down and agreed. I didn't exactly want to meet his bitchy family in a tank top that made my boobs stick out. Ashton was right, the vaseline on my legs helped a lot. I was wearing running shorts and I wasn't insecure about it for the first time in forever. The scars were almost completely gone.

Luke and I slid out of his bed and he walked over to his dresser, throwing me a hoodie of his.

"Do you think it's fine that I wear shorts?"

He nodded as he found a random all-black shirt and slid it over his chest. He was wearing grey sweatpants already. "You'll be fine," he smiled, running a hand through his hair. I slid the large hoodie on and he walked over to me, bending down while I stood on my tip toes to give each other a small kiss.

"I hate being so short," I pouted, "I feel like a child next to you."

"Hey," he whispered, "I think your height is adorable."

"I'm not even 5 feet tall," I deadpanned.

"You're 4'11", that's close," he grinned. I let a small smile fall onto my lips and he leaned down, placing a small kiss on my right cheek dimple.

"C'mon," I groaned, "as much as I'd like to stay up here and make out with you, I have to go say goodbye to this dickhead and his snobby ass family."

Luke giggled quietly, "You really hate this guy."

I nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him behind me and out of his room. We slowly walked down the hallway and down the stairs until we stood in the living room. My mom stood in front of the three people. The daughter, Katie, glared at me as I stepped into the room. His wife, Tania, didn't notice me but I noticed her immediately with her loud gum chewing. My mom glanced over at Luke and I which immediately pulled the attention of Steven and Tania.

"You have five minutes," she told him, turning around to leave.

"Wait!" Steven called, "Why is this boy with her? I want to talk to my daughter alone."

My blood was boiling and I snapped, "I'm not your daughter you prick! And you sure as hell are not my father!"

Luke wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him to calm me. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "Don't. He wants you to get mad. Don't give him the satisfaction of knowing he can get to you."

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