sixteen - periods

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"It's not that bad," Calum yawned, slinging his arm around my shoulders as we walked slowly through the hotel lobby to the our bus parked in the private garage, "We can sleep on the bus and we have today off." It was already 11 am but I was tired. We were forced to get up at 6:30 so we would have enough time to get ready, pack all of our stuff, and eat breakfast. The boys spent over half an hour outside talking to fans while I stayed in the hotel room, talking to some of the other crew members on tour that I hadn't met.

I yawned tiredly, leaning into his side and slinging my arm around his waist. "I just want to lay down," I muttered, "I feel awful."

My period had started the night before and now I had a horrible stomach ache alongside cramps.

"Are you sick?" Calum asked.

I shook my head, "Girl stuff."

He nodded slowly, inferring what I meant, "Do you need anything? We can get you whatever you need."

I shook my head with a pained smile, "No, I'm fine. But I'll let you know if I think of anything."

We reached the tour bus and all filed in. I fell onto the couch, holding my stomach to appease the pain. Luke, Ashton, and Michael took our bags to the back.

"Sit up a bit," Calum said, standing in front of me. I lifted up my head and upper torso just enough for him to sit down for me to rest my head on his lap. He rested his hand on my stomach and smiled down at me, "Pretty sure this is Luke's job but I'll take over for him."

I smiled up at him as my mom stepped onto the bus, "Thanks, Cal."

She gave me a worried glance, "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Period," I mumbled.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and nod, "Well, I'll be in the bus with the other boys working out and organizing some things. I was actually coming over here to tell you that I need you to go over some dates with the boys and make sure they know what they're doing and make sure there are no mistakes."

I nodded, "I'll get it done."

"Will you be okay to do that?" she asked.

I nodded again and let out a small laugh at how worried she always got, "I'll take some Advil."

"Okay, we're gonna be driving all day today. We're going up to Canada but we have to make stops along the way, obviously, for gas and food."

"Okay," I sighed, "See you soon."

She nodded goodbye and quickly left the bus as we were in a hurry to leave.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luke asked, walking into the room and looking at me.

"Period," I mumbled. Calum moved his thumb gently in circles around my stomach.

"Can you get her some Advil?" Calum asked Luke. He nodded and walked towards the front of the bus by our mini kitchen. He opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a bottle of Advil. He opened it and dumped two pills into his hand, walking over to me and placing them in my hand.

"Do you need water?" he asked.

I shook my head, placing the pills in my mouth and dry swallowing them, "Thanks."

Michael and Ashton strode into the room and seated themselves on the opposite couch. The bus driver got in and closed the door before taking a seat.

"Luke, can you hand me my bag?" I asked, pointing at my bag I carried everywhere with me that held my papers I needed to talk to the boys. I slowly sat up on the couch as he grabbed my bag and placed it in my lap. I shuffled through it while he sat next to me, pulling out the papers I needed.

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