twenty-one - sex

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I got to meet Maggie, Maddie, and Annabelle properly for the first time. Ashton was ecstatic when Maddie showed up and he couldn't keep his hands off of her. They all left to go to the classical movie and dinner and Luke and I were soon alone in the large house.

"Do you still want to... You know?" he blushed.

I nodded, "Um, yeah. I'm gonna go upstairs and freshen up a bit first."

"I'll be up in five," he smiled, kissing my cheek and letting me run up the stairs.

My pulse was fast and my skin was sweaty. I was nervous but I knew I wanted to do this.I brushed my hair out quickly, leaving it down before brushing my teeth, leaving nothing but a minty taste and smell in my mouth. I nervously ran a hand trough my hair when I heard Luke enter the room. I smiled at him and sat on the bed.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. I am. But I'm ready to do this. I promise."

He smiled and slid off his shoes and socks before crawling onto the bed, hovering over me. His hands stayed firmly pressed against the covers and his eyes bored into mine before we both closed them as our lips met. It was a slow and sweet kiss, but he quickly picked up the pace, running his tongue through my mouth. He pulled away from my lips and scaled his lips down my neck, biting and sucking.

"Take your shirt off," I whispered. He pulled away from me and slid his shirt off quickly, throwing it to the floor. I did the same, letting mine land next to his.

"I want you so bad," he said breathlessly, staring with eyes full of lust at my cleavage. "My god you're so hot."

His hand was twitching and he rested it against my stomach, almost as if he was afraid to touch my breast which his eyes were still locked onto. Slowly, I grabbed his hand and brought it up, resting it on the top of my bra.

"Sorry," he blushed, "I just don't want to do anything if you're not comfortable with it."

"Don't," I smiled, "just do what you want."


I giggled as Luke continued to press kisses to my bare back.

"Luke! Stop kissing my back! It tickles!" I laughed.

"Then come over here and cuddle with me," he fired back sassily, continuing to kiss my skin.

"Why can't we just spoon?" I rolled my eyes.

"Not the same," he insisted. "After sex cuddles are the best."

"Spooning is cuddling," I retaliated.

He scooted closer to me and leaned up by my ear, "Pleaseeee."

"Fine," I mumbled, turning over in the bed and pressing my bare chest against his. "It feels weird having my boobs smushed against your stomach."

"It feels nice to me," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on his chest, tucking my hands and arms inbetween our bodies while his arms wrapped around me

."We can't lay here for long," I whispered, "the boys will be back soon."

"And?" he asked, "Who cares if they know we had sex?"

"Me," I giggled. 

He shook his head and kissed my cheek, "You're not gonna start your period soon, right?"

"Mmm, no. It ended a week ago. Why?"

He smirked and kissed my neck softly, "I want you to tell me if sex is any better once I get my lip pierced."

I giggled into his chest, "Will do you cocky little shit."

He pouted, "I'm not a cocky little shit."

I giggled and pressed a small kiss to his collar bone. I shuffled around slightly, pushing him flat on his back and pulling my body on top of his. "I want food," I pouted.

"Was I not enough?" he joked. 

I raised an eyebrow at him and successfully contained my laughter, "You keep getting cocky Hemmings and you won't be getting anything for a long time."

He nodded sharply, "Eh, so you're hungry?"

I giggled and rested my chin against his, "Can we go get food?"

"Like actually go somewhere and get food."

"Yeah. Something quick like McDonalds."

He smiled, "Only because I love you."

I giggled and rolled off of his chest, dropping my feet to the floor. I pulled on my panties and stood up, running over to Luke's dresser and fishing out a large hoodie. I slid it on over my head without putting my bra back on.

Luke lay in the bed, watching me carefully. "Will you stop watching me?" I laughed. "Get up and put on some clothes." He stood up from the bed and stretched for a long time, letting his junk just hang out in my eye sight. "Thanks for the show," I muttered sarcastically, grabbing some sweats off the floor and throwing them on. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, probably creating a ton of nots in the process. I didn't care what I looked like. It was just drive-thru. Luke had pulled on some sweats and a tank top.

"Let's go," he smiled, taking my hand in his and grabbing our phones.


"Thank you," I told Luke, biting into a french fry and looking at Luke from across the living room.

"No problem," he smiled, walking back to me and sitting down after he turned the TV on and grabbed the remote.

"This is probably gonna make us sick," he muttered, placing a fry in his mouth.I shrugged and grabbed the remote from him, instantly turning it to Spongebob. 

"It may make us sick but it tastes good."

Luke was right. I got sick that night.The boys got back from their date around nearly midnight. Luke had fallen asleep on the couch downstairs while I was in the bathroom puking.

"Dalaiah?" Michael called, running up the stairs. He stepped into the open door and walked over to me, holding my hair back for me. It was silent except for my gagging noises. Finally, I finished. "Are you okay?" he whispered, feeling my forehead, "You feel warm."

"We ate McDonalds," I muttered. 

"That explains it," he laughed, reaching up and flushing the toilet for me. I slowly stood up and leaned against the counter. "C'mon, brush your teeth," he said, "I'll go get you some water and crackers and we'll get you to bed, alright?"

"Thanks, Mikey." I was always really grateful for how the boys treated me. I brushed my teeth to rid of the foul taste and smell just in time for him to walk back into the room with a bottled water and bag of saltine crackers.He led me back to my room. I crawled under the covers, making a cocoon around myself with blankets.

"Here you are," he whispered, handing me a few crackers, "eat these. They'll help your stomach."

"Thank you," I smiled. He kissed my forehead.

"Text me if you need anything at all, okay? We'll be downstairs and we'll try to stay quiet."

"Okay. Thank you."

He left and I was alone in the quiet, dark room. It was nice not sleeping in the same bed as Luke for once. I did love him a lot and loved to cuddle and be with him, but sometimes it was nice to be able to just have your space, even if he was still on my mind. With Luke's perfection in my thoughts, I slipped into a happy and peaceful slumber.

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