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"Jihye! Please help me!" Seokwoo pleaded her.

"Yoo Seokwoo," Jihye turned to him with a glare, "how could you try to hurt Hyunsung oppa's little brother?"

"I-I" Seokwoo couldn't give any proper answers.

'This is too amusing. Just because I'm the brother of the person who saved them, they're willing to look good in front of me and switch sides so I have a good impression of them,' thought Dokja.

People change sides. They go with the crowd or the path that benefits them most. Usually, it's the person with the most power that people usually follow. In this situation, it's whatever side that makes them look good in front of Hyunsung's precious little brother. The ones that goes against Dokja like Yoo Seokwoo, can only hope that they don't get kicked out.


The next day, Dokja who saw Kiyoung teaching Hayan how to use magic, approached them.

"Hi hyung, hi noona," Dokja greeted them.

"Hi Dokja," smiled Kiyoung.

"Hello Dokja," Hayan greeted him back.

"Can I join you two?" asked Dokja.

"Sure. Come sit," Kiyoung pat the spot next to him. 

"So what's happening?" questioned Dokja.

"Kiyoung-oppa is trying to teach me how to use magic, but I'm not so good at it and failed," answered Hayan.

'Liar. No way someone with legendary magic power could fail at just using magic and not even an advanced spell,'  thought Dokja.

"I'm sure you'll be able to do it noona!" said Dokja with a bright smile. 

'Cute...'  thought Hayan, 'I feel bad for lying to Kiyoung-oppa and Dokja because they've been so nice to me and I see Dokja like a little brother.'

After telling Hayan a few other things, Kiyoung got up.

"Alright, let's call that a day," said Kiyoung.

"Wait o-oppa there's something that I don't get yet. My mana increased recently but I'm not so good at controlling it yet," said Hayan.

After checking Hayan's stats, Kiyoung realised that Hayan was lying. Pretending to believe Hayan's lie, Kiyoung showed her a few more things when Park Hyeyoung approached them. 

"Kiyoung-oppa, do you have a second?" asked Kiyoung.

"Yes that's fine," answered Kiyoung. "Hayan, I'll see you tomorrow."

After Kiyoung left, Hayan looked a little down.

"It's ok noona, I'm still here!" Dokja attempted to cheer Hayan up.

"Right," Hayan smiled. 

'Park Hyeyoung might actually make it easier for Hayan to trust me more,'  thought Dokja.

"Ah right, Hyunsung-oppa called for you Dokja," said Hyeyoung.

"Oh. Sorry noona..." Dokja headed for where Hyunsung was, only to find out that Hyunsung didn't actually call for him.




After Hyunsung and Kiyoung announced who was going to the next dungeon with them, Hyeyoung came across Hayan who was alone.

"Ah f*ck you scared me. What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're waiting for Kiyoung and Dokja here? Oh my, what a stalker. No wonder you were looking at me strange earlier. Was it because I was talking with Kiyoung? Or was it because I made Dokja leave by saying that Hyunsung called for him even though he didn't?"

"'H-Hyeyoung i-it's not like that I was just' what do you mean it wasn't like that? You look like a dumb idiot with that face. I can tell by just looking at your expression. You like Kiyoung right? You... do you really believe that Kiyoung cares for you?" Hyeyoung smiled wickedly.

"W-what do you mean?"

"No, I mean you got to joint he same party as Kiyoung because you were lucky. I just thought that you were having  delusions that Kiyoung likes you. Well I don't know if stupid brats like you know but, I know what those types of people really are. In the first place, people like Kiyoung don't trust people. They get bored easily and when they don't need them anymore, they throw them away without mercy and, I think that crybaby weaklings like you, are the type to get thrown away quickly," Hyeyoung dropped the bomb on Hayan.

'O-Oppa is going to throw me away?'  Hayan was scared.

"You think Dokja is close to you as well don't you? You probably see him as a little brother but, can someone like you compete with people like Hyunsung? Dokja is Hyunsung's brother anyways, not yours. Even if you could get close to Dokja, I bet Kiyoung won't let you after he throws you away because Dokja is someone valuable."

'N-No! I can't lose Dokja either!'  Hayan was anxious.

"I bet you stuck onto them like glue because they were a little nice to you. I bet the people who were nice to you eventually left one by one. Sooner or later, you'll lose both of them to others and me. So the point is I know Kiyoung better than a stupid idiot like you, and since I know him better, I'll be able to befriend Dokja more easily than you. Do you understand?" Hyeyoung laughed and left.




Entering the dungeon, there were two different reactions from Hayan and Hyeyoung. Hayan was intrigued by Kiyoung killing monsters while Hyeyoung was disgusted. 

Dokja stared at Hyeyoung who was shaking while watching the monsters get killed. 'She's going to die sooner or later. I've read Hayan's thoughts. Hayan kind of scared me but at least I know that she won't harm me,'  thought Dokja, feeling someone lift him up. Turning his head, he realised it was Hayan.

"Noona?" Dokja questioned.

"A-Are you ok with seeing that? It's not something a kid should watch," said Hayan.

"I'm fine noona. I've been brought into a dungeon before," replied Dokja.

"Oh, I see."

'Well now you know then why don't you put me down!'  Dokja mentally yelled. Dokja then felt Hayan's grip around him tighten. Looking ahead, he saw Kiyoung holding Hyeyoung's arm, making her stab a monster. 

Reading Hayan's thoughts, Dokja felt a scary feeling creep into him, making him shudder.

[The 4th wall has offset some of Kim Dokja's thoughts]

"Are you called Dokja?" Hayan questioned him.

"N-No it's fine noona," Dokja replied.

Hyeyoung then collapsed to the ground from shock.

"That's the last time you'll be receiving my help. In here, you can't expect someone else's help. You're lucky that today was training for adaption. Next time, you need to survive on your own. Understand? Well then, good work," Kiyoung placed a hand on Hyeyoung's shoulder.

Kim Dokja could sense Hayan's murderous aura increase making him scared and feel sick. 'I'm sure I've sensed worse murderous aura than this so why am I reacting like this?'  wondered Dokja, shaking. Hayan who noticed Dokja shaking, snapped out of her thinking and held him close. 'Dokja must be scared from seeing all of that. Don't worry Dokja, I'll protect you so don't pick someone like Hyeyoung over me as your noona,'  thought Hayan.

[Kim Dokja is reacting more to murderous aura because of his death before Kim Hyunsung regressed. Before the Kim Dokja of this world died in the previous life, he was exposed to a lot of murderous aura so a sort of 'trauma' has formed]

'How do I get rid of this 'trauma'?'  Dokja asked the 4th wall.

[To get rid of the trauma, kill the man that killed 'you' before Kim Hyunsung's regression. The person who killed 'you': Jung Jinho] 

To be continued...