Chapter Two

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Dedicated to jamilyn23 for being my first follow and fan :D

Picture of Conner on the side! Mmm Nick Carter ;)

Unedited for now. I’ll back to it when I’ve got time.



Noah lunged for Brent and had him up against the wall by the neck. More pack members had wandered down after hearing the commotion. Brent’s face was pale and it seemed that Noah’s grip on his neck was getting tighter. “Let him go!” I said pushing myself up off the ground. Noah made no move to let go of his neck and no one could get through to him. Walking over to Noah, I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and felt it instantly relax. “Let him go Alpha. I brought it on by myself.” Noah’s fingers unwrapped from Brent’s neck and we watched him slump to the ground. Where Noah had had his hand, you could see the forming of bruises.

No one said anything as Noah turned to face me. His face was blank and his body tense. “Conner take Taylor downstairs and put her back in her room.” The fire in his eyes told me that I would be locked in my room for a long time and that I may never get out. Conner gently grasped my wrist and led me down to the basement, flicking on the lights as we made our way down.

We came to my bedroom and I walked inside, taking a seat on my bed. Conner gave me a sad smile and without saying anything locking the door behind him. Now I was all alone again with just my thoughts. Deciding that I needed to stretch out, I pulled back the covers on my bed and got underneath them. I gazed up at the ceiling not really sure what to make out of everything that had happened. Yet the one thing that stuck out in my mind was that Noah had known that I was his Mate.

Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes and rolled down my cheeks in torrents. I would never get to know the kind of love that I was meant to have. My life wouldn’t be the perfect story that I had wanted when I was a little girl. Noah didn’t want me as his Mate and that tore me apart inside. My chest felt it was being crushed by weights that I couldn’t get off.

I do not know how long I laid there wallowing in my misery but I was shaken out of it by the sound of my door unlocking. I turned my head to look at whoever it was, wishing they would leave so that I could cry in peace. “Taylor we need to talk,” it was Noah and he was using his serious Alpha voice. This cannot be good. “What you did was unacceptable and undermines my authority.” Please tell me he is kidding! He locked me in here!

“With all due respect Alpha,” I began playing with the fraying edge of the blanket I was given. “I’ve been locked up in here for almost two years.” Noah merely nodded obviously not feeling any remorse for what he has put me through. “All I wanted was freedom, that’s it.” I could tell by the look on Noah’s face that he didn’t believe me. “Had I been given that freedom then I wouldn’t have run off.” It was true too because then I would be able to get out and interact with people. I hated that I was stuck in this room all day with nothing to do, but to ponder just where my life went wrong.

“I don’t believe you,” Noah bit out narrowing his eyes. I went to brush a piece of hair out of my face when our hands accidentally touched. The shocks from that simple touch sent me reeling. They charged up and down my arm like wildfire and I wanted more. Noah on the other hand pulled his hand back like something had bitten him. Seeing him do that made my heart sink to the pit of my stomach and I could feel the cracks in my heart split even more. “I cannot be with you Taylor.” His voice was so casual and if he was feeling any remorse, it was hidden well. “I need a strong she-wolf to be my Luna not some pathetic human.” His words cut me deep and all of my emotions ran together.

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