Chapter Three

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Sorry about the delay! Been kind of busy the last couple of days

Theo James plays Noah! I've changed my mind so many times about who I want to play him, but I settled on Theo quite a while ago. Some of you may recognize him from 'Golden Boy' on CBS (here in the States), and as Four from Divergent, along with an episode of Downton Abbey. 

Go listen to the song "All I Wanted" by Michelle Branch! I feel like it fits the story :)




If there was anything that made me wish that I had been accepted by Noah was the fact that now he was parading girls around. He would go out after he was done doing his Alpha duties, come home with some girl, and then disappear into his bedroom. I knew that if I had been accepted as his Mate I wouldn’t be feeling the way I do now. “Are you okay?” Gina asked as she sat down next to me.

After the whole incident I now had Gina and Melina to call my friends. They were both very supportive and told me that I could do a lot better than Noah Davies.

Currently I was sitting in the living room staring at the television. I glanced over at Gina and shrugged my shoulders. “Some days are good and some days aren’t.” not even fifteen minutes ago Noah and some brunette had waltzed in giggling and carrying on. “And today is not a good day.” there was the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and Gina gave my hand a sympathetic squeeze. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Noah had decided to parade his new flavor around.

“Gina have you seen Conner?” Noah asked from behind us. It took all of my will power not to turn back and snap at them, especially the brunette bitch!

Clearing her throat and apparently feeling uncomfortable, “He went to go visit his parents Alpha.” there was a low growl that ripped from Noah’s throat and I merely rolled my eyes glad that he couldn’t see my face. “And I am not sure when he will be back.”

“Thanks Gina,” Noah’s voice came out strained and husky. I felt my heart rate pick up a little bit and blushed when Gina grinned at me. “Taylor could I speak to you for a moment?” for a second I thought about not listening to him, but I knew that that would only end badly for me, so I heaved myself off of the couch and followed Noah to the kitchen.

He motioned for me to take a seat on one of the stools that were placed by the island. He leaned back against the granite countertop and peered at me. I could the guarded look in his eyes and knew that he could see the hurt in mine. Neither of us made any move to say the first words and it made the tension between us even more unbearable. I placed my hands on the counter in front of me and took a deep breath. “How does it feel?”

Noah snapped his head up at me and gazed at me confused. “How does what feel?”

I was surprised at the tears that glazed over my eyes. “Knowing that you’ve finally broken me; that you made me feel like dirt. Whenever I see you bring these girls in it breaks my heart knowing that they get to have you, even if it is a quick fuck, but I don’t.” I slammed my fist down on the table and let out a choked sob.

What Noah did next really took me by surprise. He came around the island and turned the stool so that I faced him. His finger slipped under my chin and I looked up at him through the tears in my eyes. “I hate that I’m doing this to you,” my chin quivered slightly with a sob that wanted to escape my lips. “But I can’t be with you Taylor.”

I turned my face away from Noah and looked back at the intricate granite. “Why? Why is it so bad to have a human as a Mate?” my question caught Noah off guard and he stepped back from me. “I’ve been nothing but submissive to you the entire time I’ve been here. I listened to you and your stupid laws so what is it about me that makes it so bad?”

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